Man books 6 dates in one night, women ditch him, become friends with each other

Everyone has their share of dating nightmares but holy hell this one from Twitter user Lisette Pylant—who went on a date with a man who had booked six dates for the very same night—is the most absurd and exhausting we’ve heard in a while. WHO IS LIKE THIS? WHY WOULD YOU? HELP.

Mashable verified Pylant’s story, which begins with her on a date with a guy her bartender friend immediately warns her about. 


After 45 minutes, another date of his shows up, as he’s double-booked himself à la a rom-com B-plot. This is when Pylant (genius) realizes that instead of a date, she could have a new friend.


But then a third date shows up. And a fourth. And fifth and sixth. And slowly, Pylant lures them all to another bar where they hang out and immediately form a gang.




Here’s the thing: This dude is totally allowed to date multiple people. I’d say he’s even allowed to book two dates, at different locations, in one night. What is not cool is inviting six women to the same bar in 45 minute overlapping increments. That is just rude human behaviour.




At one point, Pylant ran into the asshole in question leaving the bar with no dates, who said he was just setting up “pre-date conversations” because he is “efficient.” Um, no. Anyway, who are we casting for this movie? James Franco’s always up for a good, smarmy villain moment.



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