8 Indian Labels to Shop for the Office Siren Look

We've all been loving the office siren trend. Here are a few Indian labels showcasing it to help you complete your wardrobe goals.

1. Qua

Your go-to for everything edgy and over the top!

2. Kanika Goyal Label

If you are someone who can appreciate good craftsmanship and fitting, this is your stop!

3. Salt Attire

Find every co-ord you have ever wanted for your office day here.

4. Little Box India

This is your one-stop to Pinteresty Gen Z clothing!

5. Bodice

Tailored layering is your thing? We have the answer for you!

6. Ivory Rose

Bossy, but glam is your vibe? Ivory Rose is the perfect stop!

7. Moonray

If you 're a Pinterest-but-still-like-my-clothes-to-be-unique kinda girl, you should check this brand out.

8. Notebook

Enter the vibe for whites and beiges with them. Classy twosome!