International Artistes That Are Making Their Way To India In 2025

From Shawn Mendes to Ciggrates After Sex, India's Concert lineup has never been better!


Her aura is all the whimsical vibes you are going to need this year.

Ed Sheeran

You don't have to carry your love for him in a 'photograph' anymore, get ready to spam on your Instagram stories.

Cigarettes After Sex

'Sunsetz' and we will be hearing their voice (too cheesy?).


Now, this doesn't need a description. If you scored the tickets, ENJOY (I swear I mean it).

Shawn Mendes

If you're boy crazy enough, like me! The excitement you will be feeling is probably out of the window.

Green Day

Love yourself some punk? Get ready to have the time of your life, with the powerhouse.

Glass Animals

They make sure to come with songs we cannot get out of our heads.