11 self-love books to gift yourself (and everyone you know) for Valentine’s Day

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Are you always seeking approval from others because you don’t feel comfortable in your own skin? This Valentine’s Day, let’s turn over a new leaf. It’s time to celebrate you as you are; it’s time to fall in love with yourself. And that’s the exact objective of these self-love books, written by authors who have delved deep within themselves and have learned to accept their imperfections and love themselves for who they are.

These inspirational books will lead you on a not-so-simple journey that is laden with challenges. You will have to strip away your façade, bring out those unforgettable memories, guilt, shame, blame and resentment you’ve been holding deep inside you, and learn to let them go. You will slowly heal, and the space that’s left after you cleanse yourself will be filled by unconditional love that will dramatically improve your health, relationships and life in general.

Get started on your journey to true happiness, guided by these self-love books?

11 self-love books that will change your life:

An influential Buddhist leader, Thich Nhat Hanh teaches us how being mindful, open and present can help us overcome obstacles we face in relationships. He also introduces the four pillars of love — loving-kindness, compassion, joy, and freedom — and explains how understanding is the essence of love. 

Buy this book here.

Brent Brown, a New York Times best-selling author and professor, helps you embrace your weaknesses through cultivating courage and compassion that will empower you to believe that you are good enough.

Get your hands on this book here.

“I believe that radical self-love can go hand in hand with a ruby-red lip... that learning how to love yourself can be a party: streamers, disco balls, helium balloons, and all!” believes Gala Darling, the author.

Buy this book here.


Learn how to accept yourself and get rid of toxic people and memories, all in a matter of 40 days. (Yes, it's possible).

Get it here.


The authors, Meggan Watterson and Lodro Rinzler, are teachers and scholars of Christian mysticism and Buddhism, who help you experience love and stability in all your relationships by maintaining an open heart.

Buy here.


This book is for everyone who suffers from body issues because of low self-esteem.

Buy it here.

Renowned author Louis L. Hay decodes how the human mind and body work in tandem, and gives practical solutions on how loving yourself can improve all areas of your life.

Get it here.

The author helps you breaks down all fear-based thoughts and bad habits that are stopping you from living your best life.

Buy here.

This book will help you accept yourself by realising that you are your own best friend.

Buy here.

"The truth is to love yourself with the same intensity you would use to pull yourself up if you were hanging off a cliff with your fingers. As if your life depended upon it. Once you get going, it's not hard to do. Just takes commitment and I'll share how I did it," promises the author, Kamal Ravikant.

Buy here.

Scientist David Hamilton aids you in increasing your self-worth, connecting with your real self and forming closer bonds with others — all through self-love.

Buy it here.


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