5 Homemade Hair Masks For Frizz-Free Hair


We all love good hair days, but it’s no secret that the unforgiving summer heat takes a heavy toll on our luscious locks. Besides the all-year-round pollution and dust, the extensive heat and humidity can leave our hair looking lifeless and damaged. But worry not, your kitchen has a plethora of hair-loving ingredients that can free your hair from all the frizz effortlessly.

Here’s a list of DIY hair masks that are easy and fun, we promise!

1. Deep Condition With Aloe Vera & Coconut Oil

Aloe vera is a universally soothing ingredient for all hair types, and using coconut oil for healthier hair has been an age-old practice. A blend of these two ingredients in a 2:1 proportion can prove to be quite a game-changer for the frizz and dryness on the ends of your strands. Let your hair soak in all the moisture for about 30 minutes before you go ahead and wash them off.

2. Nourish With Banana & Honey

Banana may or may not be your favourite fruit to eat, but it is definitely a superfood for your hair. With a collagen-boosting property, bananas make your hair healthy and curb all the frizziness. All you need to do is mash a ripe banana thoroughly and add 1-2 tbsp honey, followed by a liberal application on the scalp and hair. Wash it off after 15-20 minutes with lukewarm water using a gentle cleanser.

3. Moisturise With Avocado & Olive Oil

Besides delicious guacamole, avocados are also great to treat your hair and infuse some life into them. Being a powerhouse of vitamins and nutrients, avocados impart hydration and moisture to your hair. Olive oil is a lightweight oil that lends the hair shine and softness. For this hair mask, blend a fully ripe avocado with 2-3 tbsp of olive oil and apply the mask generously all over your hair. Wash your hair with cold water after about 30 minutes to reveal healthy, glossy and smooth hair.

4. Repair With Yoghurt

It’s already a staple in our meals and now in our haircare regime too. Yoghurt is a natural conditioner and has endless benefits for the hair. Offering a variety of vitamins and nutrients, yoghurt in itself is a good enough hair mask. You can take loads of yoghurt and slather it on your scalp and hair. After letting it sit for 20-30 minutes, wash it off with cold water for cleansed, soft and shiny hair. You can also perk up this yoghurt mask by adding fruits like strawberries for shine or bananas for volume!

5. Dismiss Frizz With Eggs

Eggs, as we all know, stands as a one-stop-shop for all things ‘protein’. On the other hand, Mayonnaise is incredibly effective in smoothening and softening the hair to cancel out all the frizz. Take 1 cup of mayonnaise and an egg and whisk it with a light hand. Apply this hair mask from the roots to the tips profusely. Seal your hair with a shower cap and wash thoroughly with a cleanser after 30 minutes. Voila! You have frizz-free and healthy hair.

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