AI Attempts To Style The Clothes I Never Wear

As a self-proclaimed shopaholic, I’m often stuck with lost treasures in my closet that I never wear. These are pieces I will hoard and never give away, in the hope that one day, I will wear it because I bought it. If there’s a fire, you know I’m going to be saving my overflowing closet. “Trends come back,” is what I tell myself each time I put the same ‘this was cool 5 seasons ago’ dress back in my closet.

It so happens that the trends came back but I just bought more clothes. As a result of my shopaholic behaviour, I now have too many items that I do not wear. I decided to ask AI to style 5 of these items in a way that makes them wearable and here’s what it came up with.

I’m also going to rate them and see if I’d actually wear them because critiquing fashion is my favourite past time.

Green Strappy Midi Dress with a Centre Cut-out (8/10)


  • Layering: Wear a lightweight, sheer white blouse underneath to add sophistication and cover the shoulders without hiding the dress’s unique features.
  • Accessories: Add a statement necklace or layered gold necklaces to draw attention upward.
  • Footwear: Pair with nude or metallic heels to elongate the legs and keep the focus on the dress.
  • Outerwear: For cooler days, add a cropped denim jacket or a tailored blazer for a chic finish.

I would wear this but let’s see if I actually do!

Red and White Gingham Shorts (6/10)

Not my style but comfy, so maybe?

Grey Well-Fitted Plaid Trousers (7/10)

  • Top: Pair with a black turtleneck or a white blouse tucked in. A fitted sweater in a neutral colour would also work well.
  • Footwear: Black ankle boots or loafers for a professional look, or white sneakers for a trendy, casual style.
  • Accessories: A black belt and a structured handbag to keep the look polished.
  • Outerwear: A tailored blazer or a long coat in a complementary colour like black, navy, or burgundy.

I would not pair those gorgeous sneakers with this look but the rest of it sounds like a vibe.

Red, Blue, and White Patterned Mini Skirt (8.5/10)

I will always be a red fanatic and I love patterns.

Cobalt Blue Flowy Mini Dress with a Pearl-Embellished High Neck (5/10)

  • Layering: Wear a fitted black or white turtleneck underneath for a stylish, layered look.
  • Footwear: Black ankle boots or strappy heels to complement the dress’s elegance.
  • Accessories: Keep jewellery minimal due to the embellished neckline; opt for simple earrings and a bracelet.
  • Outerwear: A tailored black or white coat for a sophisticated, winter-ready ensemble.

I’m a fan of this dress and anything embellished is a clear yes for me but making it winter is a huge no so I will not be wearing it this way.

Also read, AI Curated A Week’s Worth Of Outfits For Me. 

- Fashion Writer

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