You know how sometimes you’re watching Star Trek and suddenly it seems so relatable? No? Just us? OK. So maybe our life isn’t exactly like an intergalactic adventure aboard the Enterprise, but that doesn’t mean we can’t look to Captain Kirk and crew for the perfect reaction to almost any life situation. It’s officially been 50 years since the show debuted in 1966, and we like to think it’s still very, very relevant:
When you and your BFF are hanging out and her crush walks by
Said friend: *Nudges*
When someone says you can’t eat pizza for breakfast
When someone tries to talk to you before you’ve had your first cup of coffee in the morning. On a Monday!
When you’re stuck in an awkward situation and you make a pathetic attempt at pretending you’re invisible
When someone expresses concern over the amount of time you’ve spent (nay, dedicated) to fangirl over Star Trek. (Seriously, what do you do after you’re done reading crossover fan fiction?)
When that friend you shared a doob with announces she’s pregnant
When you tell people you have low key plans with the fam on a Friday night, but you know what’s actually going to happen
When you accidentally Like your nemesis’ Instagram post from 30 weeks ago
When you’re at a family reunion and your relatives take turns to ask, “Sooo when are you getting married?”
When you pretend to be sober after Ladies Night