
Remember that feeling when you wake up in the morning, feeling well-rested and ready to start the day? Yeah, no one does! Over and above everything else, the pandemic has also wreaked havoc on everyone’s sleep schedules. Between binge-watching, the newest Netflix series till 3 AM to waking up for 9 AM work meetings, to four power naps in a day, to eating dinner at 12 AM… everything adds up to one thing: sleeplessness.


We are a nation of super-stressed, sleep-deprived people, and at this point, we are ready to try anything that’ll let us snooze in peace. If you, like us, have tried everything from drinking hot milk to taking a bath before bedtime to investing a lot of money in the right pillow, here are three things that won’t cost you a thing (well, not too much anyway). These are the current trends that claim to help you, wait for it, sleep like a baby!

1. Sleep Podcasts

Unrecognizable person sleeping under blanket

With the most positive reviews, sleep podcasts seem to be the best choice for millennials who simply cannot clear their minds and fall off to sleep. Here are two of the best-rated ones.

Nothing Much Happens

Nothing much happens

The thing with stories is, sometimes, you can get hooked to even the most boring anecdote, which sort of beats the purpose of bedtime stories. However, as the name suggests, in Nothing Much Happens, there’s absolutely nothing happening; you can fall asleep safe in the knowledge that you aren’t missing anything. 

Check it out here.

2. Sleep Series 

Headspace Guide to Sleep | Netflix Official Site

In an extremely ironic move, Netflix, which is partly responsible for all of us being awake till 3 AM, has released a series called Headspace Guide to Sleep, which is meant to put you to sleep. Teaming up with the popular meditation app, Headspace, the eight-episode animated series, reveal the science behind a good night’s sleep and provides tips that will help you sleep better. 

Here’s the trailer.

3. Sleep Patches 


Yes, you read that right. While we are in no way recommending the use of these, we thought we'd let you know that you can actually purchase sleep patches that claim to make it easier for you to fall asleep. All you need to do is apply the patch, either on your arm, shoulder, back, or thigh, about 45 minutes before you head to bed. These patches release melatonin (the sleep hormone) into the body through the skin, helping you fall asleep. A word of caution: there is not enough scientific evidence to confirm their effectiveness.

Check it out here.

There you go. Let us know in the comments below if you've tried any of these and how they've worked for you. Let's help each other fall asleep!

Images: Pexels, Getty

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