After months of rumours, international social action platform Global Citizen announced that Coldplay will have its maiden concert in Mumbai on November 19, at MMRDA Grounds. The line-up also includes Jay-Z and a host of Indian artists, think AR Rahman, Farhan Akhtar, Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy and Arijit Singh. Plus, they’ve roped in an assortment of actors to make an appearance, Ranveer Singh, Aamir Khan, Katrina Kaif, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Arjun Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor.
We’re also willing to bet Sonam Kapoor will score some good tickets, given that she fleetingly appeared in the video for ‘Hymn For The Weekend’. That counts for something, right? Fret not lesser mortals, early bird tickets aren’t prohibitively expensive either: prices start at Rs 5,000! The second phase tickets (Rs 7,500) go live immediately after these run out.
Fans can earn free tickets by taking part in a series of actions that promote social welfare. Rake in a minimum of 28 points, and redeem them on the website to enter a lucky draw that should get you tickets for the Global Citizen Festival India. (Winners will be informed via email.) Here’s exactly what you need to do to get your hands on those free tickets, and earn some good karma while you’re at it:
Sign an online petition to request our Chief Ministers to adopt the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Worth 3 points.
Request the President of the World Bank, Jim Yong Kim, to improve sanitation via an email petition. Be nice. Worth another 3 points.
Educate yourself on the Global Goals and take an online quiz; leave your trusted friend Google aside for this one! Add 5 points to your cart.
Sign an online petition to request Nitin Gadkari to provide better toilets on highways. Walk away with 3 more points.
Join an online petition to urge University Vice-Chancellors to adopt global goals as part of their curriculum. Earn 2 more points.
Hunt down your marker, squiggle ‘I am a Global Citizen’ and pose with it for a picture on Twitter. Rake in another 5 points.
Conscious of the camera? Just send out a good ol’ fashioned tweet using the hashtag #ShuruaatHoonMain. Reward yourself with 2 points.
Get your friends to join in on the cause and refer them to Global Citizen India. Win 3 points.
Can’t wait till November? We can’t either. Join us in killing the time by watching Coldplay’s hilarious Game Of Thrones musical again.