Bringing a movie character to life can be attributed to two factors — the actor playing the role, and the actor's look. But what if the role demands blood to look like it's actually dripping down your face? In a recent Instagram post, Anushka Sharma explained exactly what went down in the making of her character Rukhsana's make-up look — and yes, it involved blood. A lot of it.
"The first thing we did was to strip her right down to no make-up and see how she looks naturally, and we were lucky because she has amazing skin," says her make-up and prosthetics designer Clover Wootton.
She continues, "We used a lot of blood and a lot of different types of blood. Nobody really understands how horrible that was for her (Anushka) because her hair was stuck to her neck and face...but she was so patient and did everything with a good sense of humour."
"There's a look in the film where you find Rukhsana and she's really dirty — she hasn't had a bath, her hair is oily and unkempt to another degree, and she's got bruises on her leg," says Anuskha."I couldn't even touch myself, it was so sticky. My nails were so long and I couldn't hold anything as my nails would come off and it would take so long to put them back in that I was at the mercy of everyone around me," she laughs.
"I hope it creeps people out," adds Clover.