This is the best time to book international flights and score cheaper tickets

If you’re of the tribe who prefers to search endlessly for the best deals, then join the club. We have meetings every third Saturday of the month and the topics of discussion are usually global flea markets and chia vs sabja seeds.

You would also be interested in knowing the results of a survey that maps the best time to book an international flight so as to get the cheapest rate possible. The survey, conducted by travel search company Skyscanner, analysed data from over two years, received from nearly 50 million users. 

According to the data, 72 percent of Indian travellers don’t know exactly when to book tickets for their flights, while 69 percent of people believe that the best air fares can be found less than 12 weeks before your departure date. But unfortunately for them, the survey reveals that people travelling to a popular destination — like Bali, for example — can save up to 51 percent on flight tickets if they book their flights up to 25 weeks in advance. In the case of Europe and the USA, it’s advisable to book your tickets 24 weeks earlier to get the best rate.

In case you’re already typing your leave application for your future vacation, you might want to slow your roll for a second there. Before planning your vacation, make sure it falls in the months of January, February, April or September, as they are supposed to be the cheapest months to travel according to the survey.

Now get back to work on that application.

The best vacation spots to visit with your girlfriends

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