According to your August 2018 horoscope, Mars retrograde will enter Capricorn and influence many planetary movements, with certain planets moving into sun signs. This is the last month for Mars retrograde, which started on June 26. On August 6, Venus will enter Libra, and people will become ready to negotiate, make compromises and indulge in creative and artistic pursuits. On August 7, we will see Uranus retrograde in Taurus, which spells financial freedom. People who have not made their own money will feel compelled to become independent in their financial dealings and start a new venture or business.
Then comes August 11, where the new moon in Leo will help people develop leadership skills, start a result-orientated approach in life, become more self-confident, innovate and hold themselves responsible for achieving a higher standard in life. With the onset of any new moon, you should take a new approach to life and try your hand at unusual things that you haven’t done before. On August 23, the sun enters Virgo, so it’s a good time to get more organised and start paying attention to the details.
Here’s your August 2018 horoscope
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Ashtar Tashi is available for personal sessions by appointment only. Reach her at