Coffee is my kryptonite. Every time I make the mistake of succumbing to a hot brew — whether handpicked by nubile maidens in Ecuador or hand-poured at your neighbourhood theka — my body rewards me with heart palpitations, headaches and overwhelming regret. But I can't blame the coffee. Thanks to the recent results of a wellness genetic testing performed by FutureMed, I've discovered I'm genetically programmed to metabolise caffeine slower than normal human beings. And those annoying after-effects point to a decidedly unsexy future if ignored: heart disease.
Genetic testing is the newest frontier of humankind's obsession with staying younger and prettier while we sit behind desks all day and breathe in toxic city air. Unlike blood tests, where the results can be manipulated if you're on your best behaviour for a week prior, this is a one-time undressing of every dark, dirty secret your DNA has been hiding. A full wellness profile, like the 27-page document that arrived in my inbox from FutureMed after I casually mailed in two saliva-coated cotton swabs, can tell you if you're prone to obesity, which exercises work best for your genetic make-up, what supplements you will have to get into a life-long commitment with and, my personal favourite, whether you're likely to develop addictions. (Good news dad, I tested negative for both nicotine and alcohol dependency).
A genetic test will reveal whether you inherited your family's alcoholic streak
While the report is helpfully broken down into the simplest possible language, a scientist from the centre will walk you through what steps you need to take to turn that information into power over your own life. My report told me that yoga, B-complex supplements and controlled snacking should keep me out of any major trouble for the better part of my life, thanks to an elevated anaerobic capacity, low Vitamin B12 and a hardcoded tendency to eat my feelings.
So if you've been struggling with health issues that don't seem to go away despite a seemingly balanced lifestyle, or even if you just want to understand your body at a cellular level, a genetic test report will clear up any doubts that stand between you and optimum wellness.
Address: Future Med Devices Pvt. Ltd, D 124, Panchsheel Enclave, New Delhi 110017
Ph: + 91 11 40106833/44