
British curator Antonia Marsh has been known to rally girl gangs – of artists – under Girls Only. Over two years she has taken the programme across New York, London and Copenhagen, before bringing it to India. It covers a wide spectrum of mediums: photography, performance, installation, sculpture, film, video, written word, textiles, drawing and painting. Plus, it brings together familiar voices such as Prajakta Potnis who transforms quotidian objects, and Vidha Saumya who plays with the female form, with stark works by lesser known finds like Shreya Dev Dube and Jinal Sangoi. This exhibition will also travel to London to be on view at Cob Gallery during summer 2016.

Flip through the gallery for a glimpse

The exhibition is on from April 15, 6pm to 11pm at Ministry of New, 192, 3rd Floor, Kitab Mahal, Opp New Excelsior Cinema, Dadabhai Naoroji Road, Fort, Mumbai. Click here to visit the Facebook page for more details

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