Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

Are you trying too hard, getting desperate and impatient when things don’t work out? Or are you taking it too easy, not showing up even when called upon? When you feel stuck or lost this week, read these two questions and answer what is appropriate for you. It is a week of making choices and decisions. Be careful not to stray too far from your core nature. This week more than ever, stay connected to family, your roots and your true self.

Gemini: May 22 – June 21

Don’t try to solve problems or resolve issues; simply accept and work around them. There’s a good chance that the energy you conserve will be needed somewhere else. Every problem does not need to be solved, and every person does not have to change every time something isn’t working. Accept, improvise, adapt – that’s your mantra for the week.

Cancer: June 22 – July 22

It’s going to be a week of surprises. These are good things coming your way, tiny gifts you deserve and even need right now. Maybe this is the Universe’s way of reassuring you that what is yours shall not pass you by. It may take a little longer than you’d like, but it shall be delivered soon enough. In the meantime, enjoy some happy coincidences and use them to build your faith.

Leo: July 23 – August 23

Loneliness, feeling abandoned or unsupported, feeling unloved – these are the emotions that will be very loud this week. The Universe wants you to know that you are not alone no matter what you are going through, and you have not been abandoned. Those you expect to support you may fail to show up, but the Universe will always send reinforcements. All that you need shall be provided for.

Virgo: August 24 – September 22

You are being asked to stop standing in the past or even the present moment, like a statue, waiting for something magical to happen. Get up and get moving. You dream of a future, and yet you do nothing to turn it into reality because you are too busy thinking about what has been. Take a step towards that future that you wish to live by doing something to bring it to life this week. Think and act; now is the time.

Libra: September 23 – October 23

You are safe. You are home. Rest easy in this knowledge this week. Who you are and where you are is exactly as it is meant to be.
This week also brings an opportunity to shine your light on others. How would you like to create an impact? It’s time to draw up some plans, to act upon them swiftly and to attract a tribe that is aligned to your higher purpose.

Scorpio: October 24 – November 22

Put it to rest. Close all old chapters this week. Do whatever you need to give yourself closure and move on. It’s a week to clean the slate for you to write a whole new story from here on. You need to think about this new phase of your life and what you
would like to experience. You cannot do that if you are occupied with thoughts of vengeance, justice or the past. What is more important – pining for karma to do its thing or focusing on creating a beautiful life for yourself?

Sagittarius: November 23 – December 21

Why are you being stubborn? What will happen if you give up on the ‘it has to be this way only’ narrative? You think you know what’s best for you, but you could not be further away from the truth. What you want, what you are choosing is not for your highest good and so take a deep breath and see the obstacles in your path. Think about all that has stopped you in the recent past. You will see a pattern; you will be able to join the dots and realise that every bump in the road was in your favour. You are being protected. Allow yourself to be saved.

Capricorn: December 22 – January 20

Go for it! What you are seeking is waiting for you, and you are almost there. This is a week that will test your endurance, and you must participate with your will leading the way. When you choose desires that can only manifest in the distant future, impatience is not a luxury you can afford. So if you want what you want, you have to do what you have to do for however long it may take.

Aquarius: January 21 – February 18

Are you being biased or simply working at your convenience? This week you must play fair. You cannot point the finger at someone without taking responsibility for the role you played. This is not to place blame on you unless you are at fault, but to teach you to be accountable and conscious about the choices you are making. Your life plays out based on your participation or the lack of it. This week you must face your truths.

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

Step into observation mode. When you are constantly on the move, struggling to make something happen, you fail to notice and absorb the things you should acknowledge and appreciate. This week you need to practice the pause. Stand back and just observe, and let your being realign to the reality that is playing out. You do not need to constantly react to the narrative in your mind.

Aries: March 21 – April 20

Take a nap. No, that’s not a metaphor; literally, go to sleep. You need to watch your health this week and make sure you are getting enough rest. You seem to be overdoing things, possibly overworking yourself. Timely breaks to refuel are essential. Do not look at rest as a waste of time. It is in that zone of stillness and recovery that your mind sifts through all the information to reveal your next step, the way forward. The Universe is also asking you to watch your dreams this week, for it speaks to you while you sleep.

Taurus: April 21 – May 21

You cannot do things alone; you are not supposed to either. When the need for self-reliance stems from a lack of trust or fear of being let down, it is counter-productive. This supposedly good quality becomes the obstacle blocking your path, preventing you from connecting with your spirit. And when you are disconnected from your own essence, you will make misaligned choices. Spend time this week reconnecting with your spirit, learning to trust yourself and the magic you hold within. You need Spirit to be an equal partner for what you wish to create and experience right now.

Images: Cloudy Thurstag and Pinterest 

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