Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

Good times ahead! Yes, that’s what’s on the cards this week. The fates are working in your favour, and there will be many blessings to count as well as new beginnings to celebrate.

Gemini: May 22 – June 21

You are poised for success and abundance this week. A certain piece of good news is on its way and shall be delivered soon. What you have been working so hard for is almost at fruition. So take a moment to savour the journey this week; look back to give thanks for the opportunities and the obstacles. Perseverance is always rewarded, and you will soon be called upon to receive all the accolades you deserve. And for anyone who has been thinking of starting something new, well, this message is the go-ahead sign you have been waiting for too.

Cancer: June 22 – July 22

Stand still and don’t make any decisions this week. Some of you may just be about to pick up the phone or send out an email confirming something. Don’t! You are about to make the wrong choice, or at least one that’s going to cause heavy losses or then lots of drama in the near future. So you need to hold on; you need to bide your time. This is a week to force yourself to chill or focus on other things.

Leo: July 23 – August 23

What’s on your mind? Are you overthinking again, or then are you constructively pondering upon things that need your attention? This week the Universe asks you to watch your thoughts. Don’t let your mind trick you into making any bad decisions. Instead, make an effort to change the conversation in your head into one that is progressive where every thought leads you forward towards clarity. Stick to the facts, observe yourself and trust what you are feeling.

Virgo: August 24 – September 22

You will not be rejected; you will not be abandoned if you show your true self. This is a week to work through the voice of judgement in your head and all the reasons you have given yourself to date to hide. You are loved, and your presence matters. It always has. Practice being seen and heard this week. Embrace the fear of rejection that creeps up when a loved one responds. Learn to absorb and interpret the response appropriately instead of conveniently twisting it to suit your narrative. It’s time to lose the shell you’ve been hiding in.

Libra: September 23 – October 23

Take frequent naps. Don’t be surprised by this message. You need to focus on normalising rest, and you need to break free of this need to be constantly productive. This week you are also being asked to not make any impulsive decisions. Sleep on it; leave all your decisions for the next day. Things will be slow this week, and you may experience restlessness. The answer to ‘What would I like to do instead?’ should guide your choices.

Scorpio: October 24 – November 22

Abundance and more abundance; it’s a blessed week ahead. You may want to think about what falls under your interpretation of ‘abundance’ and open up to different versions of the word flowing towards you this week. Life is flowing in a direction that is aligned to your deepest desires and highest good. What more could one ask for? Remember to give thanks and focus on all that’s working in your life.

Sagittarius: November 23 – December 21

The present is unfolding; wait for it to reveal all that it holds for you. Be careful not to get nostalgic or dig into your past simply because you are bored or restless. All that matters is what is happening now. Similarly, don’t jump into the future either. It’s good to visualise your desires, but don’t write fairy tales without knowing all the characters at play. This is a week to strictly live in the now.

Capricorn: December 22 – January 20

Walk away from the fight, not because you are weak or wrong, but because that’s the right thing to do right now. The same advice goes for people in relationships that aren’t going anywhere. This is a week to cut your losses. And the same rule applies to all that is happening at work. This isn’t a week for any choices made from ego, but rather tap into your wisdom and look at the bigger picture. Five years from now, will this even matter? Let the answer to this question guide you.

Aquarius: January 21 – February 18

When you make a wish, when you ask for something, you have to remember to open up your hands to receive it too. Sometimes you may have to step forward and pick up the package that has your name on it. So be present in your life this week, be proactive. Show up and give what you can without being called upon or waiting for some kind of a red carpet to be rolled out for you. It’s a week of love and sharing; it’s a week of things working out for all involved in the happiest way possible.

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

Are you ready to shed those layers and embrace all the parts of you that have changed? This involves behaving differently in a conscious and willing manner. The moment you respond as is appropriate to the present moment, you will create and experience a different reality. So which one will it be – continue being who you used to be or then act like who you are today?

Aries: March 21 – April 20

Trust yourself; you already know the choices you need to make. Yes, some of those options aren’t to your liking, or the path ahead seems rocky. But that’s okay. Your intuition is tuned to get you to your desired destination in a way that’s appropriate for your highest good. Counter the voice of self-doubt with facts instead of wallowing in it. Repeat words that allow you to believe in your desires. Ask, ‘These choices I am making, is it aligned to what I want?’; let the answer to this question guide you.

Taurus: April 21 – May 21

This is a week to simply go with the flow. Don’t try to control circumstances or outcomes. Just in case you are wondering, you are moving in the right direction, and everything is working out as it is supposed to for now. There isn’t much to be accomplished this week except to stay on this path. Remember that everything is a process, and it all has its own timing. Sometimes you just have to cruise for a while, but you can definitely enjoy the drive for now.

Images: Cloudy Thurstag and Pinterest 

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