Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

Irrespective of what has been happening in our individual lives, our external reality as a collective has been very grim these last couple of weeks. Love, harmony and lots of healing – those are the energies the Wisdom of the Oracle sends to us this
week. Lean on family, soak in the feeling of having loved ones, indulge your special someone and take a leap of faith this week.

Taurus: April 21 – May 21

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Think constructively, not incessantly, this week. You need to reason and strategise your way through a very specific situation that is unfolding. Be rational and lean on logic. This is not a time for emotional choices or tantrums. This is also not a time to indulge the ‘what ifs’ spinning in your head or to have long-drawn hypothetical conversations. Stick to the facts and draw out plans based on the information you have. This week, practice being practical in your thinking and choices.

Gemini: May 22 – June 21

Face your truths; look in the mirror and call yourself out on behaviours that have led you to the situation you find yourself in. Denial will never serve you well. Some of you may need to make some hard choices about how to respond to certain people or situations. But the biggest conflict you will face will be one with yourself. This week, you need to be real.

Cancer: June 22 – July 22

You are enough as you are. You are safe where you are. You are loved by the ones you hold dear. If at any time during this week you question yourself or doubt your worth, read these lines. Stay home is more than just a mantra for Cancerarians this
week. It is at home and within your being that you will find the peace and security you seek. This week, embrace yourself; be comfortable in your own skin.

Leo: July 23 – August 23

When you ask for something, you also have to be willing to receive it. All these conditions you place on every wish, what is it about? What is this need to control the outcome of it all? What is the fear you need to work through? The grace and strength with which you respond to obstacles and, the gratitude and joy with which you enjoy the results are the things that define you. That which you seek is already in your space. This week, you need to open your eyes to see, your arms to receive.

Virgo: August 24 – September 22

Prosperity, the birth of something new and abundance, is what the Universe is sending your way. Trust that all your needs will be met. As for the wants, this is a week for desires to be fulfilled, but make sure you don’t pressurise yourself to chase targets or treat your life’s desires as your only achievements. Shift your energy to look at life as an experience to be lived and not as challenges to be won. This week enjoy the ability to want, to have desires.

Libra: September 23 – October 23

Stop keeping a window open in hope when the other person has shut all doors. This is a week for closure. You need to accept that something has ended. You need to stop translating that into “everything” in your life has ended. Another angle to this week’s Oracle message is to ensure all projects and tasks are completed. It’s time to stop leaving things half done or procrastinating over simple decisions that can help close chapters. This week, tie up loose ends.

Scorpio: October 24 – November 22

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Just go with the flow. Don’t think, don’t plan. Take everything as it comes. You have an inherent knack to improvise and adapt. This week that knack is your superpower. This is also a week to let some aspects be revealed to you and let the information trickle in. The time to act upon it all will come. You can trust that what you need to know shall be revealed, and the help you need shall be provided at the appropriate time. This week take things as they come and bide your time.

Sagittarius: November 23 – December 21

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The Universe is sending you the message you need right now through a person or a situation you find yourself in. You need to join the dots. Sometimes when listening to a song, certain lines strike us and remind us of something specific from our reality.
Well, being aware and making the connection is what joining the dots looks like. This week listen to the Universe; it speaks to you through your reality.

Capricorn: December 22 – January 20

Listen to your gut, trust yourself. List your options and list the fears you have about each option. Now mark each fear as protecting you or limiting you. Take time to understand yourself, your way of thinking as well as your misgivings. Base your final decision on what you want and a clear understanding of what you are afraid of and how valid those fears are. This week invest time in reconnecting with your spirit.

Aquarius: January 21 – February 18


Recovery, regeneration – that’s the theme for your week. Take care of yourself. Nurture and nourish yourself. Watch what you are consuming – food as well as content. Something that seems to have been put on pause may pick up momentum this week. So expect to move forward with certain projects. What you saw as endings and losses may just have been the Universe taking some time to create an appropriate path for you. This week tap into your network; don’t hesitate to ask for help.

Pisces: February 19 – March 20


Sleep on it – every decision you need to make. Sleep through it – every rough patch you seem to be hitting. Yes, the Universe prescribes lots of naps, restful sleep through the night and frequent pauses this week. Step out of this sense of uncertainty you have tuned into. Ground your energies and repeat facts to give yourself a much-needed dose of certainty. Do not worry; nothing major is going to pass you by this week. You will not lose out on anything if you take it slow. This week, meditate for a few minutes every day.

Aries: March 21 – April 20

Good news will come your way this week. It’s a long-awaited piece of news and something you have been working towards. Enjoy your success irrespective of what is happening around you; it’s well deserved. Through all the tough times, the Universe sends us joy in small doses to fuel us and keep our spirits up. Hence, indulge in the good in your life this week. Think of it as pit stops for fuel. This week, celebrate life, even if it’s in tiny and simple ways.

Images: Via Pinterest | Artist KnightJJ

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