Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

Hang in there; the Universe is sending us a new lease on life this week. Magical coincidences will be experienced, and you are being asked to stand in deep acceptance of the magic your home and your being holds. Let the love and joy that surrounds you at home sink in and consciously focus on your strengths and inner power.

Taurus: April 21 – May 21

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Bend or break – those are your options, and the Universe strongly advises the former. This is not a week to be bull-headed but rather to practice a certain amount of flexibility in your approach. Your stubbornness is not going to get you anywhere. And the conflicts you are facing are self-created. So step back; there is no shame in backing down.

Gemini: May 22 – June 21

Who are your people? This is a week to focus on and invest in relationships that matter. Go back to your roots, reexamine your beliefs about family and the ties that bind you. It’s time to heal the wounds. Practice forgiveness and learn to trust once again. This week do what you need to to give yourself a sense of belonging.

Cancer:  June 22 – July 22

Love, romance, authentic connections, that’s what your week is about. Loyalties will be proven, and it is time for you to commit. You cannot stand at the crossroads forever, testing people’s intentions over and over again. Learning to forgive mistakes without turning them into trust issues is something you really need to learn. We are all human; we will hurt each other at some point or the other. That is how it is supposed to be. Your inability to see a mistake as a mistake only reveals your inability to trust your own wisdom and ability to figure things out. 

Leo: July 23 – August 23

Time to work hard. This week is not going to give you a breather, so buckle up. Put your head down and do what is asked of you. Park your big dreams aside, stop imaging the outcome all the time. Focus on the tasks at hand, pay attention to detail. Even in your relationships, the mundane routine is as important as the grand gestures. Don’t ignore the small things. Without those, the bigger picture will always be incomplete.

Virgo: August 24 – September 22

Look beyond the superficial, the exterior, the packaging, the portrayals. Look closely at the actions that follow the words. Things aren’t as they appear to be; people aren’t either. In your desperation to make something or someone fit your narrative, you are being convenient with your assessment, and hence, you are at risk of getting hurt this week. Exercise caution and ask the hard questions even if it leads to disappointments. Short term gain is not worth the long term pain that awaits.

Libra: September 23 – October 23

Losing patience, feeling frustrated and struggling to be understood is what you can expect this week. However, don’t sweat the small fights. There’ll be a lot of making up this week. Know that no matter what is said and done, it’s all okay. You are also being asked to take a good look at your actions. You may realise that you need to accept yourself before someone else can.

Scorpio: October 24 – November 22

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What have you been waiting for? This week you will celebrate a new beginning and the success of a long-held desire. Your life is slowly turning out to be exactly as you want it to be. See the pieces fall into place one by one. Your confidence will be at its highest this week. You may want to ask yourself, for what would you like to use this surge in self-belief.  

Sagittarius: November 23 – December 21

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A good week worth being thankful for even before it begins. Expect lots of unexpected opportunities, help and miracles. Every day give thanks for what is and what will be. Spend time with your loved ones and working on your biggest dreams this week. Love, harmony and lots of healing – those are the energies the Wisdom of the Oracle sends to us. Lean on family, soak in the feeling of having loved ones, indulge your special someone and take a leap of faith this week.

Capricorn: December 22 – January 20

Read the signs for this week; they will appear at every corner. The Universe is answering your call for help. Think about what you have been praying for, what have you been working on. Help is on its way this week. Those waiting for a response from a special someone, this might just be the week they make your insides melt. And for some, this might be a money week with some good ol’ abundance coming your way.

Aquarius: January 21 – February 18


Loneliness and a sense of being abandoned seem to be looming over you. Take a deep breath, and don’t fall for the narratives your mind is narrating. You are loved. You matter. Yes, you may be expecting a specific kind of love from a specific someone. But one person not stepping up does not mean nobody is there for you. Shift your focus onto what is working instead of constantly repeating what is not. Some of you are overreacting because you aren’t taking the time to understand what you are feeling. Treat yourself the way your best friend would for 24 hours, and you’ll feel differently about everything that’s not right.

Pisces: February 19 – March 20


You are sailing in the right direction. The wind that is guiding you knows where you need to go; so trust. Let go of the need to control things in your life. You are safe; you are loved, you are enough; everything you need is provided for. Things will fall into place when you stop scrambling and allow the energies of faith and abundance to wash over you. This is a time of transformation. But your beliefs stand in your way. Look within and change what you believe to be true. Unfortunately, you wrote those truths from a faulty perspective.

Aries: March 21 – April 20

The stars are aligned, and that which is meant for you shall come to be, eventually, but what will it take for you to believe in your own fate? Accepting what is in your control and letting that which is not to rest. Surrender, and you will understand the hand your destiny is playing right now. Struggle to define the outcome, and you only continue to stand in your own way. Which one will it be?

Images: Via Pinterest | Artist KnightJJ

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