
If you’re checking your stars to find out what’s in store for your love life and career, there’s no harm in letting them lead the way when it stocking up your beauty cabinet as well. While we’re not sure if a certain lipstick shade will help you find your soulmate, we do know what fragrance notes will please your senses based on your Zodiac sign. Gaze into our crystal ball as we pick your Zodiac sign’s signature perfumes that promises to hit all the right notes

Fire sign: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius

You will always feel a spark in the room when a fire sign is around. Enormously passionate and enthusiastic about life, they love being the center of attention. Bold, smokey notes are perfectly suited for their vivacious personality. 

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Earth sign: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

Not just the most hardworking sign, but also serious shopaholics. People born under the Earth sign enjoy the finer things in life—TBH, their mood pretty depends on good food. They are naturally drawn towards fresh, clean fragrances.

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Air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Just like air they breeze through life, with an attitude of live and let live.Win them over by talking about logic and politics. They are terrifically creative and witty for which , a blend of floral and warmer notes reflect their aura as they know how to get the party started!

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Water sign: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces 

Water signs have a beautiful, dreamy imagination who have the potential to be great artists (case in point: Frida Kahlo and Pablo Picasso). These water babies love comforting vanilla and marine-inspired notes that will take them deeper into their world of illusions.

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Photograph: Sushant Chhabria

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