6 mistakes we’re all guilty of making in our relationship

If you’re looking for a love guru who can solve your relationship woes, Matthew Hussey is about as close as you’ll come. The relationship expert and The New York Times bestselling author of Get The Guy has a 2 million-strong audience which has benefitted from Hussey’s straight-shooting dating advice. In his recent video, which has already accrued 5 lakh views online, the relationship expert dissects the common mistakes made by couples when they fight and honestly, the video could not have been more relatable. 

6 relationship mistakes we’re all making

1) When our partner does something we don’t like, we give them the silent treatment.

Admit it, we’ve all done that. 

2) We storm off

Instead of working it out, we often decide to leave without giving our partner a chance to explain.

3) We label our partner

In the heat of the moment, we end up saying, ”You’re selfish”, instead of, ”That was a selfish thing you did.”

4) We make the argument black and white 

We don’t attempt to balance the situation. Instead, we attempt to reach conclusions by claiming they’re wrong and we are right. 

5) Instead of communicating with our partner, we vent out to our friends

The next time you have a fight, talk to your partner instead of sending screenshots of your Whatsapp chat to your BFF.

6) We attack with vicious comments that are designed to inflict pain 

Often, in an argument, we end up saying things we do not mean and later feel ashamed about it.

Watch: Matthew Hussey explains the 6 relationship mistakes we’re making  

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