Why you need to start investing more into your sex life

Aside from the fact that it’s a good time, sex may be one of those activities that is holistic in its benefits for your body and mind. We’re not just talking about going through the motions and calling it a day, but actually fully enjoying and being satisfied in your sexual encounters. Whether with a partner or partners, sex needs to be gratifying and make you feel good about yourself for you to get the most benefits out of it. And we’re not just talking about the big O here.

When you’re not stressing about defining the relationship with your partner, or how you look with your clothes off and just enjoying the experience, sex can be as beneficial as a workout or therapy session. Like any practice that benefits you, sex requires time and effort. Fully immerse yourself in the experience to reap its benefits. So go ahead, put in that effort into your sex life because trust us, intercourse karma will have you feeling glad you did. 

7 reasons sex is good for your body and mind:

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