6 apps that can teach you valuable skills with little effort

Yes, this is 2017 and no living human being can shame you when you’re 50 weeks deep in your favourite celebrity’s dog’s Instagram at 2 am on a Saturday night. How else will you glean valuable lessons on gaining Instagram cred from Priyanka Chopra’s Diana?

texting gif

What if we tell you there is an option to spend the time between hitting the sheets and falling asleep that will not cause you to reevaluate your entire existence and experience being jealous of a little pup? Yes, we’ve curated a list of apps that you can learn a host of skills from.

From learning how to save a life to finally mastering the art of no-make-up make-up, these apps will help you turn your otherwise unhealthy habit into something useful.

6 apps that can teach you valuable skills

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