The only handy guide to self-carentine you need during this time

Now that we’ve been stumped by full-fledged house arrest, happier times out in the open already seem like a distant memory. And somehow here we are, living in a world where staying home can save lives, so that’s what we’re going to have to do. If you look at the glass half full, however, hello, weeks of self care time!

And because we know there’s only so many TikTok videos you can make before losing sanity, we rounded up some fun things in this guide that you could do. Here’s how you can make the best use of all the free time, and keep your mental health in check. Happy self-carentine!

Add the care in skincare


If you think of ‘skincare’ as slapping on some sunscreen every morning, you might just not be getting your money’s worth, because you’re forgetting the ‘care’ bit. Any poll will tell you that women feel good about themselves when their skin is behaving, and studies show that a skincare routine not just relaxes and heals, but boosts your self-confidence too. It also gives you a sense of control – something we could all use especially now.

So though it might seem counter-intuitive to even wash your face, it is in fact, the best time to give your skin TLC overdose. And while you’re at it – oil your hair. Your future hair will thank you.

Wield that spatula


If the universe really wants you to stay indoors, let the kitchen be your kingdom, and eat like a queen. Don the apron, put your (oiled) hair back, whip out the tools, and cook up a storm. Recreate that dish from your favorite restaurant you’re missing, try your hand at a cuisine you love, or finally get down to rocking a good roux. And if your pantry isn’t stocked, don’t fear – there’s tons of apps to steer you to the stove. For example, Supercook, an app that lets you input the ingredients you have, and finds recipes using them. Apps like AllRecipes and Tasty are great too.

Workout from home


Sure you can’t go to yoga class, but remember the cool part about living in 2020 is that there’s always an app for it? Let the Yoga Wake Up app gently wake you up with yoga sounds, try the Down Dog app for easy-to-follow at-home yoga, or tune into Blogilates, a YouTube channel where fitness guru Cassey Ho leads you in class. Hot tip: it’s best to pick exercises that target a number of muscles at once to maximize the space, so squats, lunges, planks, dips are great. Also, there are enough Instagram fitness challenges doing the rounds. Push-ups, anyone?

Tune in to Insta lives

In light of the current locked at home situation, dermatologists, nutritionists, and celebrities including music artists and comedians have turned to Insta live to keep the show going. Turn the Insta live notification on for your favorite artists, so you never miss catching up on the latest. Trust when we say it’ll become your favorite thing to do. Or welcome background sound, at the very least.

Go ahead, light a scented candle

We know, we know, lighting a scented candle won’t solve the world’s problems, but hey, it sure does make staying home way more pleasant, and staying home is saving the world. So don’t just embrace the peace and quiet, elevate your space with the glow of a flame, and the most gorgeous fragrance. We’re currently obsessed with Bath and Body WorksRose Water & Ivy 3-wick candle – it envelops you in a rich, but non-overpowering rosy scent. This is what quarantine should smell like if you ask us.

Up your games game


Now that you have all the time in the world to hang out with the people in your house, make it super fun and interactive. You’re going to need all the socializing you get – from a distance of 6 feet course. So if that won’t be weird while playing a board game, how about Pandemic – an apocalyptic scenario where players must stop the spread of diseases to save the world: just the flavor of the season.

In the case that shouting across the four corners of a room seems weird, try House Party – an app with virtual video rooms to play Heads Up and Trivia among other fun games. Psych is always a good pick too.

Get down to your pet project

Bullet journaling, calligraphy, attempting a 1000-piece puzzle, taking an online coding class, learning French, growing your own bonsai tree – this is your chance to get down to that cool thing you always wanted to accomplish. Because when it’s all over, you won’t remember all the time you had on your hands, rather what you did with it. So make it count, fellow earthlings!



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