This vitiligo photo series is absolutely breathtaking

Instagram and other social media platforms have long been associated with one type of beauty standard.

In a world full of filters, tuning settings and one where, generally people only show themselves looking their absolute best, social media can neglect to show a healthy diverse mix of people when it comes to body type, race and gender identity.

Luckily, every now and again, a photo series comes along which gives a much-needed nod to beauty in all forms. The latest one to check out is by London-based photographer Brock Elbank, who has launched a photo series of people with vitiligo.

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Vitiligo is a long-term skin condition where pale, white patches develop on the skin. It’s caused by the lack of the pigment melanin and typically occurs on the face, neck and hands but can affect any part of the body.

Elbank, who had previously shot a series on freckles, had people with vitiligo apply to be in his series by sending in selfies. So far, people from Austria, Brazil, the Caribbean, Israel, Russia and the UK have all featured.

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‘Unique, striking individuals are always a great source of visual interest to me and my work,’ Brock told ‘I see beauty in what many see as different. Unique individuals who stand out from the crowd are what inspire me to do what I do.’

When the models arrive to have their shots done, he says it tends to not really feel like a ‘set’ as he tries to make the vibe really personal ‘so the subjects feel as relaxed as possible’.

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‘With every single subject I shoot, for whatever series, I like to just talk for an hour to hear their story and get an idea of who they are,’ he says. ‘The more you know about someone the better the results.’

Brock’s vitiligo series is going to continue for another year or so and anyone who wishes to apply can do so through the photographer’s Instagram.

It’s great to see such exposure for vitiligo from the series and luckily, on Instagram, there’s an increasing number of people with vitiligo rightfully celebrating their faces and bodies on the platform.

The accounts @girlswithvitiligo and @spottingbeauty both showcase gorgeous women and men across the world with the skin condition:


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A post shared by Spotting Beauty (@spottingbeauty) on Jan 25, 2018 at 4:59pm PST

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A post shared by Spotting Beauty (@spottingbeauty) on Jan 16, 2018 at 12:45pm PST

We can’t wait to see more.

From: Elle UK

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