3 foods you should never eat when you’re stressed

So you had a shit day at work, you got Uber-jacked on the way back, your spanking new #travelgasm profile picture hasn’t gotten any likes in the past 3 hours and the one true friend you have right now is that monster-sized ice cream tub. We’ve all been there, we’ve all slept on a blanket of Pringles dust and dealt with the unwelcome junk food hangover the next morning.

Cut through the scientific mumbo-jumbo, and experts unanimously agree that the stress levels of the current generation are charting unprecedented heights. And that’s only set to escalate further.

So the next time you feel overwhelmed, holistic celebrity wellness consultant Prameet Kotak wants you to make smarter eating decisions to cope. Cacao instead of ice cream, wheatgrass shots instead of alcohol. You can do this.

Foods that reduce stress

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Foods that increase stress

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