WhatsApp now allows you to delete messages you really didn’t want people to see

We all know that sinking feeling when you accidentally send a screenshot of a conversation, b*tchy comment about a friend, or ‘cheeky’ selfie to the wrong person on Whatsapp. Oh the shame, the guilt, the horror!

Well, fortunately the brainiacs over at Whatsapp have come to our technological disaster rescue and revolutionised the way we interact on the app forever.

Digital Spy reports the instant messaging service has been developing a new function, officially known as ‘Delete for Everyone’, for several months and has finally started to roll out the feature to users of the most recent version of the app.

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As a result, ‘Whatsappers’ will now be able to ‘recall’ or ‘revoke’ a message with seven minutes — yep, a mere seven minutes is your window here — as long as the recipient hasn’t read the message and both of you are using the latest version of WhatsApp for iPhone, Windows Phone or Android.

Given the way us technophiles are rarely a metre away from our phones these days, the chances of your mate on WhatsApp not spotting your message within seven minutes is unlikely but, it’s worth a shot, right?

In an FAQ explaining how to use the new function, WhatsApp said: “This is particularly useful if you sent a message to the wrong chat or if the message you sent contains a mistake. Messages you successfully delete for everyone will be replaced with “This message was deleted” in your recipients’ chats.”

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“Similarly, if you see “This message was deleted” in a chat, it means that the sender deleted their message for everyone.”

Okay, so recepients will be informed of your ‘regret-delete’ decision but they’ll be none the wiser when it comes to knowing what your shameful message entailed which, as we all know, is well worth the embarrassment.

To unsend/delete a message, all you have to do is tap and hold the text you wish to recall, then choose ‘Delete’ from the menu then ‘Delete for Everyone’.

Eh voilá, WhatsApp shame is now a thing of the past.

Well, sort of.


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