Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week


This isn’t the week you were hoping for. Tough calls will have to be taken. Back off, walk away, step aside; it’s time to stop going down in a spiral of drama. Clear out all that no longer serves you. Do not repeat old patterns. You will be stuck with the same results with no one to blame but yourself. It might be a wise idea to hit pause and be happy with the way certain things in your life are right now. Let it all be, even if it’s just for a little bit.

Capricorn: December 22 – January 20

It takes two to tango. Yes, that may be a cliche, but it’s a reminder for you to stop trying to do everything alone. Even when you think you are doing “everything on your own”, never lose sight of the fact that Spirit is always walking along with you. Be fair to yourself and those in your life. Tone that voice of judgement down. It’s a side effect of fear and aversion to pain. Drop those unhealthy and unrealistic expectations from life and people, maybe then you’ll experience a moment of peace and get a real taste of what joy can feel like. There’s a special kind of magic you can create this week provided you allow others to participate.

Intention: I am choosing to “really” let people into my life sans any judgement and expectations.

Aquarius: January 21 – February 18

Don’t be so sure of your plans. Take a deep breath and brace for a big change. This was destined and there isn’t much you can do besides accept your fate. However, know that within a week or even less you’ll see that this shift is actually good and more aligned to what you need and are trying to create in your life. Can you, for a moment, toy with the thought that you might be taking the long or then bumpier road to your goal? The Universe sees something and is sending the winds of change your way to put you on the right track. Just hold on to faith.

Intention: I am choosing to trust and wade through whatever life puts me through.

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

A new life, moments that will make you smile and fill you with the hope you seek. There’s laughter and comfort on the agenda. Soak it all in. Make a pact with yourself to trust and look straight ahead. What was will never be again. But what is and what can be is pure magic and it holds the potential to be brighter than the life you have lived or thought you would live. The Universe is nuding you to open up your mind and heart for life has many wonderful experiences to offer. You are loved and that’s the anchor you hold on to.

Intention: I am choosing to live this week with optimism and joy.

Aries: March 21 – April 20

Conflict and chaos are on the cards. It’s a path to discovery of self and what you have allowed. It’s time to shed some layers, break free of some patterns. You have been someone, but is that who you need to be right now in your life? Is that someone who you “want” to be from here on? Let the answers to these two questions guide you. Brace for a tough week. You will feel restless, drained and maybe even down and out. It’s okay. Get through the week because the Universe is moulding you into who you need to be to live the life of your dreams.

Intention: I am choosing to let go and keep moving on.

Taurus: April 21 – May 21


You have been going through a very difficult time and the Universe acknowledges your journey. The change you seek will blow through your life this week. The winds might seem crazy, just hang in there. Don’t mistake a day of heavy rain for a hurricane. Instead, create a zone of comfort and wait for the sun to shine and give you the sign you’ve been waiting for. Your life is good, even though you were seriously doubting that recently. And it’s about to get better. Hang in there and realign the way you think and perceive life as well as people and circumstances.

Intention: I am choosing to embrace change and evolve.

Gemini: May 22 – June 21

Oh, hello! Duality comes knocking on your door. Two things to be accomplished this week. First, tie up a loose end, close that old chapter, write and burn it out of your system. Next, take that leap of faith and put your trust in someone’s arms. Faith despite the fear. Yes, both can co-exist and even walk a distance together. It’s okay. Just go along. The choice in front of you is aligned to your highest good. Breathe, reading this guidance might be waking up those butterflies in your tummy. It’s okay. It will be okay. It’s destined to be.

Intention: I am choosing to let go of the past and leap into my future.

Cancer: June 22 – July 22

Go for it. Make it happen. Success is guaranteed. The Universe is calling upon you to thrive. Stop being penny wise, pound foolish and take that calculated risk you’ve been doing the maths around. This is the week when a window of opportunity is wide open and the Universe intends to keep it that way all week. But it might not be wise to take your own sweet time because you might give your monkey brain the chance to convince you out of making the right move. Jump, think later – that’s your one line brief for the week.

Intention: I am choosing to trust myself and take a chance on me.

Leo: July 23 – August 23

Trust your gut. This is not a week to go against your instincts. The decision you are being pushed to make is not right for you. If it doesn’t “feel” right, say no. If it’s about figuring out how to say no, breathe and script your dialogues beforehand. However, this is not a week to let your people-pleasing self drive the car. Those who you might disappoint will get over it. The Universe promises you that you will not lose anyone and eventually the world will see your point of view. Breathe, exhale, let that sense of dread go and know that all is and will be well.

Intention: I am choosing to do what feels right.

Virgo: August 24 – September 22

This is a time for friendships and connections. Soak in the love and joy of the company you are surrounded by. There’s guidance to be received. Listen and absorb all that is being told to you. Thai isn’t a time to be the more knowledgeable one. But rather to be the student, the one with curious eyes. How do others think and “do life”? You are surrounded by lessons, wisdom and joy. Open up your mind and let your worldview be transformed completely. From here new ideas will be born and something magnificent will come to be. This is the Universe’s promise to you.

Intention: I am choosing to open up and learn.

Libra: September 23 – October 23

The move you made, that leap into your future; well, it was a brilliant one and the Universe wants you to know that this week an opportunity of prosperity and abundance will come to be. The “new” is taking shape and all you need to do is show up with the willingness that drives you. This is a week of creation and birth, excitement and joy. Smile as you taste the sweetness of life every waking moment of this week.

Intention: I am choosing to co-create the abundance in my life with Spirit.

Scorpio: October 24 – November 22

You’ve met your match. What will you create now? Trust and allow yourself to be guided on this journey with a sense of peace. Trust that all is exactly as is meant to be. The partnerships and collaborations you strike this week will go a long way. You are surrounded by people who have a journey and half with you. Trust this feeling and open up to listening to ideas as well as tune into other people’s feelings. Life is good this week and all you really need to do is live it fully. Simple enough… doable?

Intention: I am choosing to simply live and do my best as is enough.

Sagittarius: November 23 – December 21

That moment, message, good news you have been waiting for; it’s coming through this week. Chill the Bubbly. Fate is dancing to your tunes and all that you wish for can be delivered soon. Sit with a pen and paper and make a legit wishlist. The Universe is listening or then should we say “reading over your shoulder”. Write your fears and all those stories of the past and burn it. Clear out your space in such a way that you are fueled by pure desire and faith from here on. Life is syncing is its every move to divine timing and your word for the week is ‘serendipity’.

Intention: I am choosing to magically be at the right place at the right time all week.

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