Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

Your energy has hidden messages for you every day, this affects work, relationships, luck. Are you ready to know what the coming week holds for you?

Capricorn: December 22-January 19

Everything is running smooth like a newly updated computer software. Encourage team work and team building exercises for better functioning. Spend some intimate time with family, speaking about your future goals. You are also in the mood to take the relationship to the next level, be assured of a positive outcome. Wednesday is a good day to do the same. Hikes and nature trails are also on your mind, make some adventurous plans for the weekend.

Aquarius: January 20-February 18

Procrastination won’t get you anywhere, time to take responsibility and not undermine hard work. Save and treasure your earnings, do not overspend this week. Expect a mediocre gain in the share market. Your partner might be bullying you or being harsh, understanding and empathy might be lacking right now. Let the main aim be fitness, as the other externals might not be in your favour now. Vent it out on your treadmill, I say!

Pisces: February 19-March 20

Office politics might be affecting your mental health, you might consider leaving a job or a current project. Tuesday is a good day to connect with a mentor or someone you could seek advice from regarding your situation. Relationships seem to be saving grace through these feelings of isolation at work. Finances could smile you up too, so some charity to bring more smiles on others faces.

Aries: March 21-April 19

The week starts on a positive note, you shall receive credit for certain decisions that you took, feeling confident in your success. However emotionally you might be feeling a little drained. A friendship or a relationship might be unbalanced. Embrace the emotions, just like work this will balance out too. You could sign up for a fun group physical activity class with some friends, bringing in some excitement in your life. Wednesday is a day with heightened energies, making you feel super powerful.

Taurus: April 20-May 20

You are surrounded with energies of love, creativity and abundance. Expect good news on mortgages, bank loans and budget approvals. A very fertile week, in terms of new routes and ideas and literally if you are expecting good news relating to a child. You are feeling very magnetic which will reflect in your physical presence. Thursday seems like a day for some spa and salon visits to pamper yourself. Enjoy the stability and tranquillity this week, do not doubt it.

Gemini: May 21-June 20

You could reconnect with a young energy  that could reignite a dream you once had related to a business idea. You and this person could be beneficial for each other. A light hearted week socially, many communications that could lead to sprout business ideas and new job opportunities. New love could also make its way. Expect a slowed down weekend, use it as a chance to balance your  energy physically by opting for quiet activities like gardening or a walk in nature, it shall help in a good dose of Vitamin D too.

Cancer: June 21-July 22


You need to stop the overthinking! This might cause unnecessary fear and worry. Do share your worries with someone – a friend or an advisor. Needless to say, health will require your attention, follow some meditations to calm your mind. You will feel happier in love connections, spend more time with family nourishing yourself. Doing a little charity will also bring peace of mind. Monday could herald good news for students regarding their expected results.

Leo: July 23-August 22

You are in some psychic and intellectual energy, commanding respect and people shall listen to you. Use this charm to express your ideas with ease and get perfection in your desired tasks. Single Leos could use this commanding energy to attract interesting partners. Expect good news on financial investments, helping you build a better financial structure, giving you the security. Gyms and workouts look like a good add on to this magnetic energy you are in.

Virgo: August 23-September 22


You might be feeling a little stuck in your current job situation, which could bring a shift in career path or pursue further studies for an upgrade. Think it through, as it is a good move to consider. Relationships will require some time and effort from your side, expressing your feelings is a good idea. If you need extra income, you could write blogs, make handicraft or take classes, think out of the box. This trapped feeling will settle by Friday, channelise it positively.

Libra: September 24-October 22

You could take an important business trip which will bring accelerated success, this will have great motivational impact on your team as well. Romantically you will get interested in marriage, love or dating. Current relationships also will move ahead. Money will come and go but it will grow, be careful about overspending. You shall be in celebratory spirits over the weekend, you don’t always need a reason to celebrate, just enjoy your happiness.

Scorpio: October 23-November 21


There could be miscommunication and misjudgements at work. You might feel intimidated by bullies and agitators, hold your ground and do not let them dominate you. There could be some uneasiness prevailing in your love life, ego conflicts could create some distance. Positive help from friends, family and partners in money matters shall bring some relief. Focus on your health, sign up for a fun spinning or Zumba class to release some happy hormones.

Sagittarius: November 22-December 21


You have been overworked lately. Health and happiness come from balance, all work and no play is no use. Prioritise spending time with friends, family, exercise and some relaxation. There could be minor setbacks with regards to some delayed payments, do not worry they shall fall in place by the weekend. Love is in the air! Look forward to spending some romantic, mushy time with your partners, making you feel all loved up. Make time for some calming and relaxing physical activities.

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