Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week


The last week is of 2021 – what will you make of it? Be careful not to set those high expectations and also remember to celebrate how far you’ve come. Some will begin a new journey as the year winds down while some need to give themselves closure. Use this week wisely and set the right tone for 2022.

Capricorn: December 22 – January 20

Your anxiety is an illusion. Breathe and allow yourself to enjoy life. And if it’s hard for you to let go of your worries, simply park them aside for this week. What does that mean? Imagine there’s a box in your cupboard. Put all your worries in there and put a sticker on the box that reads – to be opened on 3rd January. Say yes to all invitations and celebrate all week whether you have enough reason to or not. The last week of 2021 will teach you to laugh in the moment and fill your heart with joy that can be used later.

Aquarius: January 21 – February 18

Expect a new beginning this week. What are you waiting for? It’s coming through this week. However, it will require you to act quickly. This week you will have to take decisions on the move and there will be no room for thinking, forget overthinking. Know that you are fully capable of figuring things out. SO when you see that opportunity you have been praying for, say, “Yes!”.

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

A week of love, romance and togetherness. At work, your word should be teamwork. Make space for your partners (and you team is included in that word) to shine just as you step into the limelight together. What do you want to create in the coming year? What do you want to experience – as a couple in your personal life or then as a team in your professional life? Clearly define the way forward and you will feel the magic flow into your life this week. Expect an emotionally fulfilling week and make sure you thrive in the energy.

Aries: March 21 – April 20

Don’t let your emotions cloud your mind. Let logic guide you and only make rational choices this week. Indecisiveness is not the best space to remain stuck in. Make tiny choices if needed, but move forward with a very practical mindset. Anyone struggling with never-ending conflicts, know that your emotional responses aren’t helping. Allow the mind to cut through the drama and look at things in a very matter of fact way. Things are what they are. Accept first instead of dancing to the tunes of ‘but why can’t things be different?’

Taurus: April 21 – May 21

You are trapped in your mind and it is you who is limiting yourself. Stop stirring up that wishful thinking energy and work within your reality. Life is as abundant as it needs to be and only when you acknowledge that can you grow to the abundance you want to experience. Be careful not to treat loved ones unkindly. All your ambitions and desires may be valid, but if you don’t have your relationships, you’ll be celebrating alone. Watch your words, your actions towards others this week.

Gemini: May 22 – June 21

Change isn’t easy, but it is imperative that you let go of all that you are holding on to and move on. The Universe is supporting you in every way and will open up tiny windows of opportunity for you this week. Use these to crawl out to a better life or jump through these windows of transformation. Life on the other side of your walls is vibrant and exciting. Take a chance this week and you might just head off on a grand adventure in 2022.

Cancer:  June 22 – July 22

Almost there! The finish line is clearly visible. Pace yourself if you need to and keep moving. You are doing very well. For those who will cross that finish line this week itself, remember to celebrate and acknowledge the journey. As for those who have crossed that line already, it’s time to lay some boundaries down in order to protect and sustain all that you have built. Watch your back or stand your ground – for many the week is going to involve one of these moves.

Leo: July 23 – August 23

You are a born leader. But unless you cut through the noise in your head and that which is playing out in your external circumstances you cannot rise up to your true potential. The life you envision or the end result of the current situation you are preempting – it’s bang on. Trust your instinct and do what you need to do. What holds you back isn’t your inability to succeed as you have assumed. But rather your unwillingness to take on responsibilities is what is holding you back.

Virgo: August 24 – September 22

This is a week to be a curious cat. There is a new world that is opening up to you – literally speaking for some and figurative for others. In this world, what you have been seeking is awaiting you. Step through the portal that will open up this week through a very specific opportunity and you will in the coming weeks see a whole new life reveal itself to you. The Universe wants you to know that life can be your kind of perfect.

Libra: September 23 – October 23

Your intuition is on a roll this week. Close your eyes and follow your instincts. What do you want to experience? Write this down in clear sentences and your instincts will guide you in the right direction effortlessly. Be curious, be bold. This is a week when your vulnerability is your strength. Express yourself freely and allow the answers you seek come to you in playful ways.

Scorpio: October 24 – November 22

Passion and endurance – those are your two qualities you need to leverage this week. You will rush into things head on and you will need your courage to kick in to see things through. Know that you are protected and if you can pace yourself then make sure you do so. Impulsively running with your passion will tire you out too soon. You are on the right track and you have all that you need to make things happen. However you need to let life do its thing too and so hit pause at regular intervals. Remember you don’t need to know what’s next. 

Sagittarius: November 23 – December 21

Someone’s heart broke or then someone’s heart is going to break. However, within days you will realise that it was the best thing that could happen to you. The moment this truth hits you life will transform into one big celebration for the rest of the week. Can you feel happy about something and sad about something else at the same time? Absolutely yes! You will be acknowledged and recognised this week and so, do not let any pain dictate the headlines for the week. 

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