Box-dye (2)

A box-dye colour job has been a staple of Indian households for ages. Our grandparents used them, and so did our parents - the lowly sachet from the local drug shop or the grocery store being their only defense against greys. Hair salons were scarce, and your hair coloured by professionals was a luxury back then. So, what's our excuse now?

With the DIY-hair colour culture flourishing and sudden lockdowns becoming the norm, box dyes have become popular among the young 'uns. Though it is pocket-friendly and easier to use, is it the same as getting your hair dyed at the salon? The answer is a definite NO. Everything is different - from the application to its results and its effects on the hair. If misapplied, the colour with come out patchy. Or, if you keep the formula on for too long, you can seriously damage your hair. For a professional hairdresser or stylist, box-dyed hair is often the worst nightmare, often found with an over-ambitious client.

While there are some no-nasties and good at-home hair dyeing formulas out there, most boxed dyes are formulated with higher concentrations of ammonia, nitro dyes, salts and even henna. They are concentrated and standardised, not aimed at individual needs. They affect the hair texture and may permanently damage hair health. Some users may even suffer allergies due to the contents.

After a box dye mishap, managing your hair can be a lengthy and ongoing process. Here are some tips for getting those damaged tresses to behave:

1. Go Sulphate Free

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First, go sulphate-free and invest in a good hair products range. Start using hydrating shampoo and conditioners, which are gentle, rejuvenating and free of silicones. Use formulas suitable for coloured hair, which will add moisture and improve hair's texture and volume. They are made to safeguard the hair shaft from swelling so that the colour lasts longer, so you do not have to touch up very frequently. Try to look for emollients like oils, shea butter, proteins like soy, wheat and glycerine while selecting your ideal haircare range.

 2. Co-Wash Box Dye Damaged Hair

Take a cue from the curly girl routine on managing dry and stressed hair! Co-washing or conditioner washing refers to a method of deeply nourishing and hydrating your hair with a conditioning cleanser alone. These conditioners contain ingredients that moisturise rather and cleanse but without stripping your tresses of moisture. The method is more suitable for curly, coily hair, but chemically treated hair can also be benefited from co-washing.

3. Indulge In Regular Masking

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The best way to treat box dye damaged hair is to indulge in nourishing hair masks. Hair masks can work great to get back the sheen and softness of your hair while hydrating the hair and treating them from damage. Do not forget that nutritive oils are the secret to good, hydrated hair. Look for formulas that contain fatty oils like coconut, olive, sesame, argan and almond. Homemade masks made with curd, eggs, yoghurt, fruits like papaya, banana also help add some TLC.

4. Get Professional Salon treatments

Salon treatments will protect your hair from further damage. Of course, with the opinion of experts, indulge in hair treatments like that infuse damaged tresses with restorative ingredients. They also add lost gloss and shine to your hair while strengthening it. Choosing the right treatment to fix box dye damage would totally depend on you and the expert advice. So before booking that salon appointment, do your homework and jot down the pros and cons of the treatments.

5. Choose The Right Hairbrush

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However trivial this tip sounds, it is immensely important to choose the correct hairbrush. Chemically damaged hair is extremely prone to breakage, and improper brushing can thin out your hair ends faster than you can say, "I need a trim". The bristles of the brush need to be soft and smooth. It should be perfectly spaced and flexible. Use the brush thoroughly at the ends of your mane, to begin with, to detangle the knots on your wet tresses, and then gradually go upwards to the roots.

If nothing else works, a good way to improve the look of your hair is to get would be to get a fresh haircut. Chop off the dry and damaged ends and focus on getting your hair health back on track with a shorter length. We recommend not trying an at-home box dye, however easy and less expensive the procedure is. Box dyes are made uniformly for the masses and will not consider your hair type and needs. So instead, why not save for the professional hair colour and get it done by an expert! But if you have already box dyed your hair, do not panic. Be patient! Getting back your hydrated mane would be a long process but most certainly achievable.

Photos: Instagram, Pexels 

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