5 Indian Beauty Entrepreneurs Tell Us How Their Homegrown Label Survived The Pandemic

Tell her she can’t do it, and she’ll do it better!

Beauty Entrepreneurs (7) (1)

As many sectors suffered because of the pandemic, the beauty and wellness industry wasn’t an exception. With colour cosmetics suffering a blow due to the face mask mandate and being stuck indoors, it became a task for beauty brands to stay afloat. However, the industry navigated its way through these 18 months of lull and survived. While skincare and wellness brands came out as fair winners, makeup brands also found a way to stay relevant. 

During this time, while we used beauty as a way to rewind, there was a surge in homegrown labels from beauty entrepreneurs who aimed at bridging the gap between quality and affordability of beauty products in the Indian market. TBH, it is extremely challenging to launch a beauty brand in India; from stringent regulations in place to setting out manufacturing units and sourcing raw materials, it’s an overwhelming task. To do so during the pandemic definitely added to the list of challenges that these women dealt with and aced. Most of these labels did manage to come out of it even stronger. We spoke to five female entrepreneurs to learn more about what went on behind the scenes. Swipe right to see what they had to say!

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