What should I do? Am I making the right choice? Is this a good decision? - This is a week for these questions and here are the answers. However, you are going to have to choose the one that resonates with your desire or the outcome you are seeking.
For some - Continue down the path you've chosen. You are moving in the right direction.
For others - It's time to cut your losses and walk away.
For some others - Just observe. Don't make any moves. It's time to wait and watch closely.
Which one is aligned to you, only you can tell.
Capricorn: December 22 – January 20
An action packed week where you will be in a 'make it happen' mode. Pencil in breaks and fun times to avoid a burn out. A lot has to be done this week and it's best if you prepare yourself for a hectic week ahead. Pace will be of utmost importance. Make a run for it, to crawl forward or then just walk ahead at a steady pace - you will find yourself changing gears over and over again as the situations surrounding you unravel. You can accomplish a lot this week provided you are willing to show up and do all that it takes.
Aquarius: January 21 – February 18
You are holding on for what? Whether it's an old story that you keep bringing up or a relationship that ended and yet you haven't allowed it to end - it's time to tie up loose ends and move on. Life is asking you to be flexible about things right now. Your stiff, rigid mindset only hurts you and keeps that pain you feel alive. Let go, flow. It's okay, you are safe. Accept that you aren't always right or that you don't know what's best for you. Life will be all that you want it to be the moment you let go.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
Go with the flow - that's your biggest lesson for the week. Stop planning or entertaining that need to know exactly what is going to happen next or then through the day. It's a week to honor the mother-child relationship. Spend time nurturing yourself as well as those you love. Family will be the focus this week and it's only right for you to prioritise these core relationships. It's a week to introspect and absorb the tiny lessons life sends your way in everyday experiences.
Aries: March 21 - April 20
Shhh… breathe… pause. Stop trying to do something new. Stop struggling to prove you are different. Innovation for the sake of proving your worth usually ends up being counter-productive. Sit with yourself, recognise and appreciate your strengths, the things you do with such ease and just who you are as a person. You are enough. Your life is good. You are worthy of all that you have. All you really need to do is to live this life you have been bestowed with. The abundance, the fortune, use it as a trampoline to rise up to the heights you can fully touch. It's all for you.
Taurus: April 21 – May 21
Fate is in some mood this week. Either you are already or then you will be pushed to make a choice this week, the kind that will change the course of your life. It's okay. It's not a test. You are being pushed to evolve and realign your choices to your biggest desires. Take this as a sign that from here on life will transform into all that you've been wishing and praying for. But first you have to show life that you are willing to live this life you desire. Remember to say it and to actually do it - two very different things and life takes nothing for granted.
Gemini: May 22 – June 21
Almost there, a few more days, little more effort and you will succeed. You are very close to accomplishing your goal. Trust your gut and do not listen to anyone else's opinions. You don't even need to ask for someone else's perspective. Know that this week you see everything clearly and in a wholesome way. Learning to trust yourself, being willing to take a chance on yourself - that's what this week is all about. When in doubt, stick to the facts.
Cancer: June 22 – July 22
How do you define abundance right now in your life? Is it about a new beginning, an opportunity or then about money? Be clear and the Universe will deliver exactly what you want this week. There's a big change coming. An abundant one, but one that may at first feel like chaos. Ride the storm and you'll slowly see it all fall into place. Don't be in a hurry and do not get anxious about how it's all going to pan out. Just know that you've been asking for a very specific kind of happiness and the Universe is setting it all up in a way that you get to enjoy your heart's desires.
Leo: July 23 – August 23
What are you fretting about? Why are you making it harder than it already is? Take responsibility for your choices. Your beliefs, your way of thinking - are you sure it's working for you? This week you will find yourself in a spot where you lead yourself. This isn't someone else's doing. Your one line brief this week is to find peace. Accept yourself fully and find that space of peace within. Your life is exactly what you've made of it through your choices and you can change whatever you need or want to simply by choosing differently from here on.
Virgo: August 24 – September 22
Continue to build your life. Stay aligned to your purpose. Everyday you have to choose to align yourself to your 'why'. Be clear about your motives and act in accordance. Life is only responding to your thoughts, words and actions. You are in-charge. This is a week to be very clear about your plans and how you are choosing to move forward. Remember you are in a phase of building your dreams. Work towards that end goal which isn't a single point but an experience in itself.
Libra: September 23 – October 23
When you know you know. This is the answer to many questions that are on repeat in your head. Certain connections which seem to have hit a wall will stir to life this week. Any conflicts will get resolved and a way forward will be revealed. Trust yourself and start the conversations that you need to without fear. Make that call, write that email, send that message. Take the initiative and the Universe will do the rest. You know this. It's how it's always been.
Scorpio: October 24 – November 22
A blessed time of miracles. This week is going to be brilliant. What do you want? Ask and you shall receive. For those who don't believe in such luck, need to work on their faith as well as align their actions to their desires. Conviction doesn't come from thin air. It's the result of clarity of desire followed by aligned actions. Look for the signs. Moments of miracles will be available to you many times this week. What are you choosing to make of this week then?
Sagittarius: November 23 – December 21
Are you doing it again? Being stubborn about the choice you want to make? You'll receive a message or a call this week as the Universe makes an attempt to steer you in a better direction. But remember, the ultimate choice is yours. Your free will dictates your experiences. Some will receive some good news that will anyway nudge you to take a different turn than planned. Listen and do as you are being guided to. Your decision might not be the best option. Be humble and brave enough to accept this.