Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

The universe has infinite intelligence, steering you into what to focus on for your goals in the long run. Take the guidance for the week ahead as whispers to create a better reality.

Capricorn: December 22-January 19

It is the week to be mindful of your everyday expenses, consider small changes like bring your lunch instead of eating out, these minor changes will bring significant impacts. Single Capricorns could meet like minded individuals, which could become into great friendships. Attention to joints and bone health is important, exercises focusing on flexibility like Tai-Chi, could be beneficial. Wednesday seems like a good day to iron out some wrinkles with work colleagues, sorting out old paper work, addressing issues that you have kept aside since a long time.

Aquarius: January 20-February 18

If you are waiting for a response and feeling disconnected, consider the possibility that your message wasn’t clear, in any relation, communication is the key. Speak your intentions clearly to avoid misunderstandings. In financial matters, please consult a senior person that you respect. In love you might have got someone used to too much devotion and obedience, time to step back into your power. Prioritise skincare and hydration, use suitable products to enhance your glow. Drink plenty of water and get outdoor activities to boost your mood and vitality. Thursday seems like day of being relaxed and off guard.

Pisces: February 19-March 20

You might be in a light hearted and humorous mood, a good laugh and not taking things seriously make up this week’s energy. Going with the mood, control your expenses, be wise and do not get carried away. You could plan camping trips that allow deep connection with nature. Spend more time with family this week. In love, spend more quality time with each other, so that there are no regrets later. Friday would be a perfect day for social activities. Prioritise cardiovascular health. Activities such as brisk walking, jogging could be helpful. Include healthy nuts and seeds in your diet.

Aries: March 21-April 19

This week brings a wave of good news, especially regarding your living situation. You could book a new home or renovate existing one, bringing favourable outcomes. Stay firm on financial decisions, trust yourself more than outside opinion. Expect a spiritual connection with someone, stay open to these encounter, it could be a new connection or an old friend. Focus on your digestive health, incorporate some diet changes, gentle abdominal exercises shall also help. Thursday shall be a significant day.

Taurus: April 20-May 20

You might be a bit drained, questioning the value of your hard work. A friend will come along recharging your enthusiasm. It’s okay to reach out, if you need to. Navigate your finances tactfully as you may get stiff competition. Use your words wisely as they may trigger some arguments. You will work on deepening a commitment, use this opportunity to grow closer. Focus on activities that boost your heart health like swimming or cycling. Take care of your back, correct your posture, take some breaks to stretch. Wednesday seems to be a special day.

Gemini: May 21-June 20

Romance may be the theme of the week, you could be drawn to passionate stories and be in a dreamy mood. Take charge of finances, some decisions could be questioned this week, embrace your courage to speak the truth. Also be careful of being cheated or suffering a loss if someone suggests to join an investment. Focus on mental agility, doing puzzles, reading or learning a new skill could stimulate your mind. Channelise your romantic side into a date on Friday, feel the love!

Cancer: June 21-July 22

This week brings a unique blend of creativity and technology opening doors to out of the box financial prospects. Expect loan repayments and good gains in the share market. Financially a very fruitful week. Embrace a diet rich with vegetables and fruits to enhance vitality. Hydrate and go outdoors for physical activity. You could book a holiday to places with historical significance, a good mix of relaxation and learning. Tuesday is good to bring some balance in love and work, spend time with a family or a special someone for a little break.

Leo: July 23-August 22

You may be struggling, feeling stagnant; try asking questions to engage others, this will rekindle your thought process, remember best ideas come from healthy discussions. Financially expect good cash flow and recovery of losses, do not get over confident and spend emotionally. Be careful of misunderstandings with your partner, you know who to trust, it is important to be honest in communications. Mental wellbeing is paramount, yoga and meditations can be beneficial. Quality sleep and limiting screen time will help too.

Virgo: August 23-September 22

Get a self esteem boost as unexpected talents and skills might emerge, opening new income opportunities for you. Kickstart with it on Monday, there could be a new investment opportunity, new job offer or a unique business concept, don’t hesitate, capitalise this option. Your adventurous spirit allows you to express your emotions in a fun way and will help in meeting someone new and exciting for single Virgos. Eye health and vision should be priority. Eye exercises, vitamins and breaks from screen will help.

Libra: September 24-October 22

Be cautious with seemingly fantastic opportunities as they might not be as beneficial as they appear. Do not rush into agreements. It could be frustrating but keep an even tempered approach with such decisions. Romance is in the air, making it ideal time to express your feelings to the ones you cherish. Go ahead, make that proposal, Wednesday seems like the perfect day for enjoying each others company. Respiratory health should be emphasised on. Avoid allergens and pollutants. Practice deep breathing exercises and mild aerobic activities.

Scorpio: October 23-November 21

Your current focus may be in making home purchases, as you have a keen eye for aesthetics. You seem to be in a spontaneous mood and might find yourself hosting an event, turning an ordinary Wednesday into an exciting one. Expect gains from investments that you might have written off. Muscle strength and flexibility are important, incorporate strength training and flexibility in your fitness routine. Hydrate and up your protein intake. Someone’s obsession towards you will get you special treatment, however making you feel uncomfortable though.

Sagittarius: November 22-December 21


A friend or colleague’s abrupt comments might have you feeling unsettled, but it is not about you, they could be dealing with their own issues, be compassionate and patient. In love, it is time to make a decision, commit or move on. If single, the wisdom is to date more that one, do not put your eggs in one basket. It is a good time to invest, you will get satisfying returns; Tuesday will be fruitful for the same. In business you could get support from old customers or relations. Focus on strengthening your immune system with vitamin C rich diet.

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