Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

Tarot readings will only be as reflective as you allow them to be. They aren’t used for predicting the future but allow you to reflect upon and look deeper into your understanding of the situation, like a tool for self-exploration. So use the guidance to reflect, react and respond to the week ahead.

Capricorn: December 22-January 19

There might be a feeling of apathy, disinterest and frustration in your current job, it is time to look for new opportunities to help you excel at what you do. Embrace the shifts that are taking place in your life. Be careful with emotional spending on extravagant or unnecessary things that will make you regret it later. There could be delays in receiving important payments, making you stressed. It is a time to embrace transformations in relationships, are you ready to adapt or bring changes in your partner? It is time to find the common ground to move ahead. Single Capricorns could meet a new connection accidentally. Avoid straining your eyes, do specific eye exercises for some relief.

Aquarius: January 20-February 18

Your charm and intelligence are helping you with ways to achieve your career goals. People at your workplace are in awe of you and your hard work will be appreciated. You have a good streak this week with investment decisions, utilise it to the fullest. If anyone approaches you for help, guide them with your advice but let them be accountable for their actions. Single Capricorns could be drawn to people who value their independence. Enjoy this time of adulation, and connect more with family and friends to avoid being too demanding from your partner. Take care of your stomach and gut health. Keep an eye on hydration, eat a balanced diet, and avoid overindulgence in comfort foods.

Pisces: February 19-March 21

It is a stable time for financial stability and abundance, you could consider taking some risks and broadening your areas of finances. Whatever investments you make will multiply, so think of plans to make the most of it. At work, be ready for a new role or project to work on. Also, a good time to attract worthwhile job opportunities. In relationships, create more trust and understanding. You are craving independence but circumstances make you codependent on your partner, leading to ego clashes. You need to show more loyalty and security to bring more peace between you two. Single Pisciens could reconnect with an ex on friendly terms. Be careful of viral fever and cold sapping your energy.

Aries: March 21-April 19

You could experience a burst of energy and motivation at work this week. This is an ideal time to take initiative on projects that require attention to detail and commitment. Strengthen bonds and partnerships, as a partnership will result in expansion. Keep a balance, as over-exertion may lead to fatigue. You might be feeling stuck in your relationship, your patience is ending and with it ends the unhappy union. Often we get so used to being unsatisfied that we don’t take steps to change. It is time to take the hard decision and liberate yourself. Single Ariens could meet someone while travelling. Be careful of small accidents caused due to carelessness.

Taurus: April 20-May 20

You will be in self-protection mode. The good point is that you will spend your money a bit wisely. Also, a good time to have a diversified portfolio, rather than having all eggs in one basket. But the bad point is that you may seem selfish, and not care much about others. At work, there might be a creative block, which will lead to delays. There could be a lack of support from your colleagues. In love, be careful of disputes due to jealousy. Do not dominate your partner too much. There could be a sudden plan with old friends over the weekend, making you feel positive. Consider some emotional cleansing through journaling, meditating, chanting or pranayama.

Gemini: May 21-June 20

You will be calm, relaxed and casual this week making you switch between getting bored and being happy. You may think of initiating something but later on, get bored and abolish it. Some old problems might resurface or a finished work will require correction, making you feel bogged down. Be cordial with your superiors to get approvals from them. Relationships could go to the next level be it marriage or exclusivity. Single Geminis could have more clarity on the type of partner they desire and accordingly search for them. You may have headaches due to stress. Unwind over the weekend with a relaxing massage or spa treatment.

Cancer: June 21-July 22

Shift your physical energy by rearranging your home and throwing out the waste material that is of no use. The same goes for your mind, it is time to throw out thoughts and ideologies that are not serving you anymore. Gear up for new changes concerning work and love. If you are unemployed or seeking a new job, you could get a new job. There are chances of promotion or extra appreciation from your boss and colleagues. Single Cancerians could find new love or suddenly fall in love. Relationships will witness heightened romance, surprising each other with gifts and thoughtful gestures. You could make some plans with your cousins, reliving some childhood memories.

Leo: July 23-August 22

Your emotions may be more intense this week. Stay grounded and do not let fleeting feelings dictate your actions. Find constructive outlets for your emotions such as creative pursuits or talking to a trusted friend as mental health is just as important. A calm mind will contribute to better physical health. At work, there could be stagnancy, if you are managing a project, it might get suspended or there might not be much progress. There could be delays caused by others affecting you. Businessmen could expect a long-term dream to be fulfilled or an investment to bring returns finally. Single Leos, do not hesitate to strike a conversation with your love interest, it will be fruitful.

Virgo: August 23-September 22

You may find yourself playing the mediator in resolving conflicts amongst friends or family. Reflecting on past relationships to improve current ones could be beneficial. Communicate openly and honestly to strengthen bonds and navigate through any misunderstandings with grace. Single Virgos could meet someone charming. You will find a sense of accomplishment in your work. Your meticulous nature and attention to detail will be appreciated by your peers and superiors. Be cautious of over-promising more than you can deliver. Avoid taking unnecessary risks in the share market. Get sufficient rest to avoid illness due to overexertion.

Libra: September 23-October 22

You are in renewed energy, which will bring youthful confidence, making you flow like a child. Single Librans could meet the perfect match. Existing relationships will find fresh energy in your companionship. Don’t be surprised if you feel butterflies in your stomach and the innocence of love hugging you. Expect good news on money coming in the way that you have earned it through your hard work. Make fair and sensible investments to grow this money wisely. You will be able to help someone in need, and this shall be returned to you multiplied by fate. You could sign up for a fun dance class or be as experimental as going for a trek, keeping the vibrant energy alive.

Scorpio: October 23-November 21

You could be feeling drawn to another individual making you take your partner for granted, it is advised that you do not give a cold shoulder to your significant other as this would result in miscommunication or separation. Single Scorpios are enjoying their freedom and making the most of life with friends. There is an indecisive energy in work too. There could be a sense of stagnancy and inequality in partnerships, leading to differences of opinion. It is a good time to invest or try to obtain interest or make profits on your money. Be careful of sickness relating to your neck such as sore throat or neck sprains. Hydrate more and take some breaks to relax yourself.

Sagittarius: November 22-December 21

There is an underlying current of conflicts and competition. You might find yourself competing with friends, close colleagues, or even your partner. It is a bit against your character but you need to encounter these to safeguard your self-esteem. This feeling could be a hindrance in your relationship and will stop you and your partner from getting close, stay calm as even a playful badinage will be misinterpreted. Single Sagittarians could be avoiding the responsibilities of a relationship; be open to spending some time and energy in love. Be careful with lower backache. Invest your time in a dedicated workout plan like yoga, or Tai Chi, focusing more on stimulating better blood circulation.

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