Aries: March 21-April 19
Taurus: April 20-May 20
Gemini: May 21-June 20
Cancer: June 21-July 22
Leo: July 23-August 22
You will see growth in opportunities and experiences during this time. Finances might see moments of respite from now on. If you have been struggling with finances for the past few days, then consider this as a signal that this is the end. You might also get relieved from additional loans or debts. It is a good time to establish a partnership, especially with a friend with common interests. Single Leos could be enjoying attraction, infatuation, and flirty games. In relationships, it is a good time to reignite the excitement, as during this period, spirituality and lust go hand in hand. Be careful with accidental sprains, limiting your movement and making you feel frustrated.
Virgo: August 23-September 22
Single Virgos need to be more alert and show excitement in themselves. Do not believe everything you see, anyone can fake themselves, make sure you are completely familiar with your new love. Relationships could also be fragile right now, so do not be too moody or demanding with your partner, as it could lead to a dispute. You might feel less motivated at work, so ask for a new assignment from your boss to bring some enthusiasm. In business, you could face a slowdown and be discouraged by the small volume of orders. You might incur sudden expenses like house repairs or emergency travels, which could affect your budgeting. Be careful of catching the seasonal viral fever.
Libra : September 23-October 22
Single Librans could find themselves attracted to a particular person who is radiating charm and confidence that they cannot resist. There is a lot of sensuous energy in relationships, making you feel passionate. Go with the flow and make your fantasies come true rather than worrying about the future. Dealing with clients in the classic way will be beneficial. You will get help from an influential mentor who will guide you with an old-school approach, leading to large profits. You might feel bored and think about resigning at work; do not be hasty, as there are fewer chances of getting something favourable. Stay and adapt for now. Your new health regime will motivate many others around you.
Scorpio: October 23-November 21
You might be feeling trapped in your career, as you have no option but to be dependent on your job. You need to improve your relations with your colleagues and stop playing the victim. Be careful of spending too easily or buying just to relieve stress, as you may create debts for later. The best approach is to record your income and expenses and review your financial status. Do a proper audit of your company's finances and be cautious of misappropriation. Now is the time to communicate what is unsettling in your relationship. Set some ground rules and avoid treading on each other's weak points. Single Scorpios could meet someone at a singles’ social meet. A sore throat and stuffy nose could bog you down.
Sagittarius: November 22-December 21
You may be feeling exhausted with the pressures of work. It is possible that you are overexerting yourself, which can take a toll on your health. Find your centre by indulging in rejuvenating and mind-relaxing techniques. A holistic approach will help avoid many health issues in the future. You might be spending less time with your partner, creating unrest and arguments between the two of you. Spend some quality time and re-establish your relationship. Single Sagittarians might meet someone at a common society function. It is a good time to invest, obtain interest, or earn profit on your money. Take work a little easy this week. You will get support from a female boss or colleague at work.
Capricorn: December 22-January 19
Misunderstandings could arise, thus clear communication with loved ones is crucial. Take time to listen and empathise with your partner or family members. Show appreciation and understanding for those who matter to you. Single Capricorns could reconnect with an ex. At work, stay patient and double-check your tasks to avoid mistakes. Cooperation with colleagues will benefit you. A pending project might need immediate attention, so prioritise accordingly. Networking can open new opportunities, so make time for it. Keep a positive attitude and trust that your hard work will pay off eventually. Watch out for stomach-related issues; avoid eating outside food.
Aquarius: January 20-February 18
Single Aquarians could connect with someone they may not like at first, but after some conversations, they may get along well with this person. Relationships look easy and exciting. It is a great time for short trips to nearby places, which can provide a refreshing break. Though you try to be frugal, you might spend unnecessarily on socialising. There could be sudden news at work, and completed work will need to be corrected again. Be cordial with your boss to gain their support. Stress could affect your well-being and agitate you. Disconnect and release the tension with a good kickboxing or HIIT workout. Body aches could slow you down.
Pisces: February 19-March 20
There is achievement and success in your profession or career. You could receive appreciation at your workplace and may even get promoted to a higher position. You could also become a mentor for other people. It is a boom period in business and the right time to invest in a new venture. Unemployed individuals will see new opportunities knocking on their door. Single Pisceans could meet someone very balanced and expressive. You could have a dreamy, beautiful experience in love. Take the lead and plan something special for your partner. Health seems to be the focus; an appointment with a nutritionist or committing to a fitness class will be your priority.