We Investigate The Tall Claims Of The Much Hyped Probiotic Skincare

Let's keep probiotics for our tummy, please!


The dynamic universe of skincare sees a variety of trends on the regular that encompass techniques and ingredients. On most days, I enjoy hopping on the trend bandwagon because there's so much one can learn and discover through them. I've learnt about the existence of so many new ingredients that perform well on my skin and application techniques that have made my skincare perform better. One such skin care 'trend' that caught my eye when it sprouted was probiotic skincare. Sounds pretty weird, I know.

Probiotic skincare claims to add good bacteria to your skin and in the process, make it healthier. Growing up we've all been told about the benefits of yoghurt or even Yakult for the good bacteria. Consumption of these consistently ensures that our gut is in the prime of its health thereby making our immune system strong enough to fight off infections. But how exactly do probiotics work for the skin? This is a pertinent question that really piqued my interest. So I spoke to a few experts to dive deeper into the world of probiotic skincare and find out what the buzz is all about.

Understanding The Basics

Now, when we speak about probiotic skincare, it's essential for us to talk about the microbiome of the skin as well. There are already certain microorganisms present on our skin. Don't get freaked out, it's completely normal! Dr Madhuri Agarwal, celebrity dermatologist and founder, Yavana Aesthetic Clinic elaborates, "When we talk about the microbiome of the skin, it's important to know that the organisms which reside on our skin comprise of multiple bacteria, fungal elements and viruses'—all of which are absolutely necessary." Adding further, Dr Rashmi Shetty, global dermatology expert and founder of Ra Skin & Aesthetics tells us, "This set of organisms is what we term as good bacteria, they're meant to guard your skin against the bad bacteria."

Research published by the Journal of Investigative Dermatology reveals that skin conditions such as rosacea and eczema are often caused by fluctuations in the health of the skin's microbiome. However, the internet and the beauty community remain divided about this buzzing topic. Is probiotic skincare really worth the hype?

The Workings Of Probiotic Skincare


All of the experts we've had a chat with unanimously confirm that the presence of good bacteria on your skin is crucial. It works in a way to improve the existing health of your skin, strengthening the barrier in the process. Dr Batul Patel, celebrity dermatologist, founder and medical director of The Bombay Skin Clinic explains, "Probiotic skincare includes products which contain live microorganisms that are responsible for keeping your skin healthy. Essentially they ensure that there's a good balance of microbes on the skin, helping you battle skin conditions." She also mentions that even though certain probiotic skincare shows positive effects towards improving the skin's barrier, reducing inflammation and restoring the pH level of the skin to a normal one—there's still a lot to uncover about it.

Dr Rashmi agrees and adds, "Probiotics for topical application can contribute towards the treatment of skin conditions, but since studies on this are still ongoing, there are extremely few products that show proven results." Having said that, she believes that there's a strong link between your gut health and your skin health since a healthy gut automatically results in healthy skin.

The Future Of Probiotic Skincare

Unlike usual skincare trends that make it big immediately, probiotic skincare is one that's going to take its own sweet time to make a spot for itself in the skincare community. Experts are of the opinion that even though this seems promising, a concrete amount of research which specifies the bacteria required to maintain the health of your skin needs to be conducted.

"Currently all reports and studies that focus on probiotics only talk about gut health, whereas probiotic skincare needs to be focusing on the health of the skin's microbiome as well." shares Dr Madhuri Agarwal. Having said that, the key to taking care of your skin lies in working to strengthen its barrier and visiting your dermatologist from time to time.

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