Tossing A Tasty Salad: Rimming Is The Hottest Activity You Could Try RN

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Tossing A Tasty Salad: Rimming Is The Hottest Activity You Could Try RN

Everybody enjoys a steamy session of oral sex, I mean I orgasm every single time my partner goes down on me. Most of us presume that oral sex only involves clitoral stimulation with the mouth when that isn't the case at all. Oral sex as a sexual activity is essentially orally stimulating your partners' genital or anus. For some odd reason, sexual acts related to the anus are riddled with multiple misconceptions. Rimming happens to be one of them.

For those who don't know, rimming is the act of licking, kissing and penetrating your partner's anus with your tongue. To put it simply, it's orally stimulating your partner's anus. No, it isn't a sexual activity that is only meant for gay or bisexual men but it's something that can be explored by anyone with an anus and a mouth, regardless of gender. There's no shame in enjoying some good ol'-ass play. After exploring this a few times with my partner, it has found a permanent spot in my sexual routine.

Why should you consider rimming?


It's always thrilling to explore new avenues of sexual pleasure and rimming happens to be one of them. Due to so many taboos associated with any kind of ass-play, partners often hesitate to even consider something like rimming. While oral sex when done with the clitoris is very pleasurable, did you know that the anus also has a lot of nerve endings which when stimulated can be very pleasurable?

Rimming is a sexual activity that promises to heighten intimacy and make your sexual routine adventurous. Butt play could also be taken as a big sign of acceptance from your partner. By incorporating rimming, one can open themselves up to newer avenues of pleasure. Who knows if a couple of minutes of rimming could lead to something steamier?

How does one prepare for rimming?

Communication: At the crux of any sexual activity, lies clear and crisp communication. There is a lot of stigma associated with sexual activities related to the ass. Sharing your thoughts about why you're eager to try out rimming with your partner is a great first step. Discuss your boundaries and preferences along with preferences for how your body needs to be prepped.

Cleanliness: Yes, we're going to tell you just how important cleaning your butthole is when it comes to rimming. Speak to your partner about their preferences with body hair and trim your hair accordingly. For starters, you can wash it with warm water without any soap or if you'd like to be more elaborate, douche your anus.

Lube: Lubricant should be in your bedside drawer and your cupboard if you're considering rimming. Unlike the vagina, the anus doesn't self-lubricate itself which makes any penetration extremely difficult. Opt for water-based lube because oil-based lube tends to break down condoms and dams. Don't be stingy with the application because with lube more is always better!

Healthy stomach: I mean, it needs to be said! If you're dealing with a slightly upset stomach or any sort of gut issues, don't engage in rimming at all. It's best to have a healthy stomach before this to ensure no mishaps.

What are the ways to rim?


With any sexual activity, there are always multiple ways and techniques in which it can be performed. With rimming it's essential to keep in mind that every position you try out, should be giving you the best access to your partner's anus, without straining your neck. The conventional way to try out rimming would be with doggy style which is always exciting. By beginning gently with slow licks and tender kisses, you will be able to make your partner feel comfortable and secure. You can then increase the speed and intensity of this according to your partner's preferences.

From personal experience, I've found that gentle licks coupled with your tongue darting in and out of the anus is very pleasurable. Constantly checking in with your partner on how they're feeling throughout the activity will make the experience a lot better.

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