
Shivan And Narresh Just Debuted The Hottest Dress Of The Season

The designers want you to work for it though

Shivan Bhatiya and Narresh Kukreja have a vision for this fall, and it primarily revolves around ensuring that you flaunt what your mama gave you. The designers paraded a stunning line-up of luxe velvet gowns and flute lehengas in ascending order of lust-worthiness on day 3 of Amazon India Fashion Week.

Before the show hit the halfway mark, our hunt for the it-dress for fall was brought to a screeching halt: a supple black gown with webbed cutouts became an instant favourite with the crowd. Hitting the gym in the non-bikini season may be difficult, but thanks to Shivan and Narresh, there’s a shiny pot of Instagram gold at the end of this particular rainbow.

Check out the highlights from the collection here and tell us in the comments box below what you’d like to call first dibbs on.

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