Skincare During Pregnancy: Here Are The Dos And Don’ts

Skincare During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special time for most women but it can be like a rollercoaster ride. You may get hit by a plethora of changes at every phase of your pregnancy, whether it comes to your mood, your cravings or your skin. Today, let’s focus on what can really happen to your skin and how you can effectively manage every concern that may pop up at any given time. Here are the dos and don’ts of skincare during pregnancy. 

But first…

Common Challenges Of Skincare During Pregnancy

During this time your skin will experience sundry changes and may also turn into a completely different type. So if excess sebum has replaced flaky skin (or vice-versa), don’t panic. Zits may pop out of nowhere, but you’ve got to stay calm and figure a new skincare routine to tackle your changing skin. “Stretch marks, acne, itchiness, and rashes are just a few of the changes your skin may go through during pregnancy as the baby grows inside of you,” shares Dr Niketa Sonavane, celebrity dermatologist and founder of Ambrosia Aesthetics, Mumbai. Every woman might not essentially get what we call the ‘pregnancy glow’ through the nine months. To top it all, there are stretch marks that will naturally occur around your belly. It’s inevitable, however, some products may help you control your appearance.


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The Dos

Wear sunscreen, no matter what: We’re aware of the necessity of using a sunscreen every day, irrespective of being outdoors or indoors. During pregnancy, your skin tends to become more sensitive, so it is vital to wear sunscreen that is suitable for your skin. This not only curbs the sun damage but also controls melasma, dark spots and dull skin. “Just make sure you avoid the nano-technology variants to prevent it from getting into your bloodstream,” advises Dr Sonavane.

Stick to a basic skincare routine: By this, we mean that it’s essential to maintain a basic skincare routine that includes a gentle cleanser, moisturiser and sunscreen. If you get lazy about this, your skin will have to pay the price and you don’t want to invite any trouble that can be avoided. “Most ingredients are safe including glycolic acid, lactic acid, niacinamide, L ascorbic acid, azelaic acid and hyaluronic acid,” confirms Dr Chytra, celebrity cosmetic dermatologist & founder of Kosmoderma Clinics.


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Hydrate hydrate hydrate: If you have a combination of oily skin and survived on minimal moisturiser, it’s time to switch things up. While dry skin gets drier (during pregnancy), combination with oily skin also tends to get flaky which is why you cannot compromise on your skin’s hydration. Stick to a cream that suits your skin and moisture as soon as you sense any dryness. Natural nut butter like cocoa butter, shea butter and oils like avocado oil, jojoba oil is highly recommended.

Make vitamin C your BFF: Vitamin C is a great antioxidant that is completely pregnancy-safe and helps you achieve glowing skin. It brightens as well as controls the formation of dark spots and pigmentation, bestowing you with happy and healthy skin. 

The Don’ts

Say no to all anti-acne treatments: It’s tempting to take care of that zit and get it off your skin but anti-acne creams and gels are a complete no-no. Such creams contain strong ingredients like salicylic acid, retinol, benzoyl peroxide and clindamycin that are best avoided. “These ingredients have the potential to harm your developing baby as well as your sensitive skin. Instead, look for products that contain mild AHAs such as lactic acid or citric acid,” suggests Dr Sonavane.

Don’t indulge in beauty treatments without consultation: Every beauty treatment may employ electric devices, chemicals and products (with unsuitable ingredients) which is not recommended. You must certainly consult your doctor before giving in to any beauty treatments.

Let anti-ageing products take a backseat: Feel like your skin is ageing? No problem, let your skin breathe and evolve naturally during this period. Don’t fall for anti-ageing products since they come with retinol, hydroquinone and retinoids. Dr Chtyra recommends the natural alternative–Bakuchiol.

Photos: Instagram, Pexels

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