How Britney Spears & Other Pop Stars Have Tackled Judgements Made On Their Bodies

As fans of our favourite pop stars, we often put them on a pedestal, expecting them to fit the standards of beauty set by the society. But when they express themselves and celebrate their bodies in their own unique way, we, as fans and audiences are often quick to criticise it. After a tedious court… Continue reading How Britney Spears & Other Pop Stars Have Tackled Judgements Made On Their Bodies

There is no such thing as perfect breasts and here’s why

Boobs, bosoms, bazookas – there are countless names for breasts, and countless breasts to match, yet very few are included in our cultural conversations. We talk to four women about their wildly different relationships with their chests Dr Devayani Barve-Venkat calls for action “Benign breast surgery is often wrongly judged to be an optional and… Continue reading There is no such thing as perfect breasts and here’s why

How to lose weight by loving your body

During a health examination at school, I was asked to step onto a weighing scale. I was 10 years old at the time, and although I may have not fully understood the implications of being bigger than my classmates, I knew that my body was different. While the rest of kids rejoiced over how little they… Continue reading How to lose weight by loving your body

#LoveYourLines inspires self-love

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