What you should know before getting botox

So, you’re thinking about getting Botox? The popular injectible of botulinum toxin eliminates wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing muscles in the face—and if that doesn’t sound terrifying to you then did you even read the words “paralyzing muscles”? In spite of that, Botox was still one of the most popular aesthetic procedures in 2018—namely because the results… Continue reading What you should know before getting botox

Best non-invasive treatments

From tightening a sagging jowl to tackling stubborn fat deposits, cosmetic sciences have on offer an array of highly effective treatments that require almost zero downtime and don’t carry with them the weight of the complications that come with full-blown plastic surgery. Some give near-permanent solutions, others need to be repeated at regular intervals, while yet… Continue reading Best non-invasive treatments

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