Facial fillers: How they work, how long they last and what they’re capable of

If you, like us, had a few questions regarding lip fillers after seeing Kylie Jenner’s transformation, celebrity dermatologist (and our Skin Expert 2017 award winner) Dr Kiran Lohia is here to answer them. First things first, the good doctor explains that fillers are made from sugar molecules that are identical to those found naturally in… Continue reading Facial fillers: How they work, how long they last and what they’re capable of

Best non-invasive treatments

From tightening a sagging jowl to tackling stubborn fat deposits, cosmetic sciences have on offer an array of highly effective treatments that require almost zero downtime and don’t carry with them the weight of the complications that come with full-blown plastic surgery. Some give near-permanent solutions, others need to be repeated at regular intervals, while yet… Continue reading Best non-invasive treatments

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