Jonathan Franzen’s Purity: a review

Pick a dysfunctional family, any dysfunctional family. People trapped in it will often find themselves at one of three stages: rage that they should have been born in this messed-up family instead of say, a normal one; acceptance of their own role in the mess; and finally, hope that their family will one day find… Continue reading Jonathan Franzen’s Purity: a review

Jonathan Franzen on his new book Purity

Jonathan Franzen puts you in mind of a shy person whose destiny it is to attract attention, and he doesn’t always submit with grace. For instance, our interview began inauspiciously with him saying: “The part [of book promotions] I don’t like is the interviews.” While this truth bomb is unpalatable on a personal level (I… Continue reading Jonathan Franzen on his new book Purity

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