Rape survivors must now inform their attacker if they want an abortion in this US state

People really seem to struggle with concept of female autonomy Stateside, don’t they? In certain parts of the United States of America, women must endure up to 72 hours waiting lists and counselling to get access to their reproductive rights. An 18-year-old even created a comprehensive list of abortion restrictions state-by-state. One of the other sneaky ways… Continue reading Rape survivors must now inform their attacker if they want an abortion in this US state

Women are interrupted more and face tougher job interviews than men, study reveals

Interviewing for a new job is no mean feat. Not only do you have to spend the night before researching the ins and outs of the role, choosing an appropriate outfit, and thinking of a valid excuse to pull a sickie in work the next day, you’re then faced with the pressure of appearing calm,… Continue reading Women are interrupted more and face tougher job interviews than men, study reveals

Which lady boss book should be your new career Bible?

Odds are if you’re trying to make the most out of your life and career, you want to seek wisdom from women whose particular brand of success you admire. Lucky for us, many of the most accomplished women in the game have written books about how they got where they wound up. In fact, right… Continue reading Which lady boss book should be your new career Bible?

Why the internet loves to hate women for being themselves

Editor’s note: Less than a month after Kim Kardashian was attacked by masked men in Paris, reports have emerged of Mallika Sherawat being attacked, allegedly with tear gas, in a Parisian apartment building. The shocking increase of violence against women, both physical and via the internet, clearly shows no signs of diminishing. You only needed… Continue reading Why the internet loves to hate women for being themselves

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