Traya Rekindling #HopeForHair

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For the Indian audience, long, full hair has always been celebrated with emotion – be it the gajra-clad locks in festivals to the jewel-adorned plats at weddings. Hair loss is not just a cosmetic problem, it is an emotional one as well. Suffering from hair loss can a be very isolating experience for many- this is because the market is filled with “cure-all” schemes that promise instantaneous results but do not deliver. Most people unsurprisingly eventually give up on seeking any treatment after plenty of failure.

Treatment that heals is out of reach for many. Bringing it to reality is Traya, an anti-hair fall cure that does not rely solely on products. Starting with a hair care test, they chalk up a treatment plan that is followed up by a dedicated team of councillors. For Traya, aftercare is a huge priority- it’s what has gained the trust of countless faithful customers across the country. We got candid with Pooja from Mumbai, who witnessed a transformation with the magic of Traya- we mapped her path towards fabulous hair, her journey in self-love, and more.

The Rocky Road Of Hair Loss

Hello Pooja! Could you tell us a bit about your background? 

For starters, I was born with scanty hair, due to my mother having a critical pregnancy. However, as time went by my scanty hair became more apparent, and the comments my scalp visibility garnered bothered me. Initially, being young and naive, I tried every treatment under the sun. Pills, massagers, salon treatments- you name it!  None ever gave my hair any volume whatsoever- and cost me a fortune.

Was the journey to finding Traya a tough one?

By the time I got into college, I was ready to admit defeat. I accepted it as what it was going to be, my hectic Mumbai life wasn’t my hair’s best friend. There was still, however, deep down a desire for better hair. My brother then entered the picture. He had a hectic life, due to which he started experiencing hair fall. The stress of a corporate job started catching up, to the point where his scalp was visible. With Traya and its treatment plan, his hair got fuller in 6 months. It seemed nothing short of a miracle and this persuaded me to try Traya.

A Magical Traya Transformation

What would you say is key to your successful haircare journey?

Within say, 8 months of following the routine that Traya had tailor-made for me, there were astonishingly visible changes. It was not just the products but also the entire regime that Traya set up for me that worked like a charm. 

I credit it also to the hair coaches, constantly on the heel, making sure that you follow the holistic treatment. The team has been nothing short of caring and encouraging, ever ready to solve all of your doubts. I had invested so much in treatments that have fallen flat before this, but with Traya, their team has always given me the utmost attention and has always been just a text away, always!

Fuller Crown, Better Confidence

How did it feel, initially?

It felt great! It is so emotionally fulfilling to get something that you desired so much for so long. Not to mention the confidence boost it gave me. My scalp visibility reduced, my curls were more defined, and my hair grew longer. This of course helped me with my self-image. The compliments I was showered by my friends, colleagues, and loved ones also helped me greatly in my self-care journey. Traya’s treatments also work with other areas of your life- their team helps you create a disciplined routine for yourself.

Spreading The Word Of Self- Love

Would you recommend Traya to people in your life?

If I had a list of the number of people I have already recommended Traya to, it’d be miles long. It changed my life and I do not miss any opportunity to speak about it on the chance that it might change their lives and help them on their journey of self-love. Traya is refreshingly honest as they do not peddle instant results, and I think many more people could benefit from their treatments.

What advice would you give someone in the same boat as you were a few years ago?

Trust the process- I get numerous DMs and to all of them I have one answer, there are no instant results for anything lasting. It is different for every individual. Just like weight loss, healing the scalp takes time, especially when you are dealing with all-natural, effective ayurvedic ingredients like Traya. Medical history, body type, and lifestyle are different for every person- as would be the time for hair replenishment. I’d say give it no less than 6 months for sustainable results.

Any final message to Traya?

You’re the best thing that ever happened to me! A big big thank you to the A-team!

Contributing Digital Writer

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