Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

Here's what the stars have in store for you this week.

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A week of protection and realignment lies ahead of us. Are you being stubborn about something or then repeating a pattern? This week life and fate both will dish out many lessons. You will receive opportunities to realign your actions. Make sure you take those chances instead of looking back with regret eventually. It’s a week that’s going to stir up many not-so-nice emotions and we need to brace for the tales of uncertainty and impatience our minds are going to spin.

Capricorn: December 22 – January 20


Dress up, show up and do what you need to do in order to succeed. That’s what this week should be about. Avoid overthinking by choosing to only have constructive conversations that are steeped in facts. Be careful not to spiral down with all those what-ifs. There’s a moment of recognition planned as well and you will be acknowledged in front of everyone for something you have been working very hard towards. Also, expect to feel like a bit of a know-it-all as your intuition will give you the answers much before your reality reflects those very thoughts.

Intention: I am choosing and willing to do what it takes.

Aquarius: January 21 – February 18


All of this week you will find yourself in the right place at the right time. Every time you experience this, make sure you look up to the sky and say thank you. The Universe is feeling very chatty and will send you many signs throughout the week. You need to acknowledge them, sometimes join the dots and always act in accordance. A lot of what you are experiencing in life right now is because you fail to act in accordance. You think something, you say something else and you do an entirely third thing. The empty words syndrome is dictating your reality and obviously causing harm. Let this be the week you bring your being into alignment.

Intention: I am choosing to do as I say.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20


Pace is of importance this week. Knowing when to run, when to crawl and when to rest will matter. Don’t take things too lightly. At the same time don’t overthink or jump to conclusions. You will receive a very special gift this week; something that will make a big difference to your journey from here on. Can you live a week of balance; a week that has a little bit of everything, especially downtime? When ‘balance’ is your one-word brief, be aware of your mental chatter. If you are accustomed to intense flavours you might be dismissing the subtler magic of life.

Intention: I am choosing to be and to flow in balance.

Aries: March 21 - April 20


Not only are you safe and secured, but you are blessed too. What will it take for you to see the abundance in your life? Step out of that shadow of doubt and know that you are already living the life of your dreams. Spend time at home this week and allow yourself to acknowledge the love you are surrounded by as well as your body, mind, heart and spirit. There is a big change coming up - a new phase, a move to another place or then a job change maybe. Do not let this phase of transition create an illusion of limbo. Life is flowing exactly as it should.

Intention: I am choosing to enjoy the abundance in my life.

Taurus: April 21 – May 21


A tough week is unravelling.  Expect conflicts and disagreements. Be very careful not to pull out the past or create more drama by only focusing on the future. What is going on, what do you need to deal with, what do you need to do - this is all in the present moment. Stay in the now; keep bringing yourself back to the present. A certain situation will require you to seek help. Who is on your speed dial? Don’t sit with your ego or sense of judgement. Make sure you get the help you need. It’s why we have people in our lives. Everyone has a role to play.

Intention: I am choosing to consciously live the present moment.

Gemini: May 22 – June 21


You are at a juncture in life when certain choices have to be made. Know that the road ahead is prosperous and abundant. However, you need to realign your thinking. If you are constantly pre-empting the obstacles, you cannot see the opportunities that lie ahead. You are in survival mode and that prevents you from achieving all that you can. It only slows you down. Look at your worries constructively. Avoid any victim narratives and be willing to acknowledge the false stories of doom you have created. Breathe and choose from desire instead of fear.

Intention: I am choosing to focus only on solutions and opportunities.

Cancer:  June 22 – July 22


Breathe and just be. Observe all that is happening, but do not be in a hurry to react or act upon anything that comes to light. There are things happening in your life that might be unsettling you. But this is a time to be flexible and to allow life to guide you. The Universe wants you to know that all is well and you can relax. The choices you need to make, the conversations you need to have, all will fall into place in a way that you’ll be left wondering why you were worrying in the first place. Also, this is not a time to prove any point or assert any authority.

Intention: I am choosing to be flexible with my beliefs and thoughts.

Leo: July 23 – August 23


Stop fighting. Stop trying to be right. Instead, let bygones be just that. You are repeating a pattern and will end up with the same result. Instead, allow wounds to heal. Let the pain, discomfort and anger settle for good. Life isn’t about right and wrong. There’s a lot that happens in between those two verdicts and you need to make room for acceptance. Work on your incessant need to always be right, on your need to have the last word or then the last laugh. The value of a person, what do they actually mean to you and bring to your life - focus on this.

Intention: I am choosing to heal.

Virgo: August 24 – September 22


There’s a rebirth of sorts that has been experienced. Something that was falling apart has started to sprout with the energy of harmony once again. Signs of a good week ahead. So enjoy life, celebrate and allow that aspect of life to take a new shape. Your intuition is nudging you in a very specific direction. Go with it for only good lies ahead. Whatever you need and even that which you want will be provided and you will find yourself moving ahead in life with a certain zest you haven’t experienced in a while.

Intention: I am choosing to live with hope and optimism.

Libra: September 23 – October 23


You are where you are meant to be and life is flowing forward exactly as planned. This is going to be a week when you will see the treasures you already possess. So prepare to use these resources and leverage upon all that you have to achieve all that you want to experience. A change of plans is on the anvil. But that’s okay because it will work in your favour. This shift is something you have been asking about. So embrace whatever the wind blows your way this week.

Intention: I am choosing to make the most of all that I have to create more.

Scorpio: October 24 – November 22


What are you focusing on right now? A new relationship or a new project at work or then growing the family? Whatever is your point of focus, it’ll all come true this week. New experiences will pick up speed and your reality will shift in magical ways. Change gears and thrive because your dream is coming true. If you are struggling to have faith, write and burn your fears and then stand in front of the mirror and repeat your intention for the week. Breathe and let life prove itself to you.

Intention: I am choosing to believe that my dream is coming true.

Sagittarius: November 23 – December 21


Love will prove itself. A miracle will heal the crack that was caused by a silly mistake. Have faith and hold on to trust. You are protected. You are safe. That sense of abandonment you are struggling with; those feelings of having been let down, they will fade this week and you will stand in the sun a lot more from here on. Give love and your lover a chance. Give life and your partner a chance. You are very far from that point where you need to throw in the towel. This is a time to revel in the love you have chosen to experience.

Intention: I am choosing to love and be loved.

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