Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week


A high energy week with a full moon ahead of us. This is a week to make something happen while also cleaning out some things to make room for new experiences. There are many reasons to smile and certain things you are stressing about are actually in the right place, right time kind of energy. Instead of working and struggling you need to channel your energy on the right things this week. What is possible is more important than what you wish could or would happen.

Capricorn: December 22 – January 20

A forward movement. Expect to experience a piece of your future, a glimpse into what is in store for you provided you can shift the way you’ve always been. Do something a little differently this week. It could be how you speak about something or then how you’ve been holding a specific conversation. You have been diligently creating your future in your present moments and for this the Universe will reward you this week. Indulge in the blessings life gifts you. This is also a good week to focus on things that are working to ensure you’re tuned into the frequency of abundance while talking about what you want to experience or what you seek in an affirmative tone. The full moon will challenge your need to be overly-realistic and the better option is to believe in magic even if it’s for just this week.

Aquarius: January 21–February 18

There’s a win for you this week. What you have been working towards is nearing completion. Expect to be recognised for what you do and who you are. The full moon is going to shine down on you making sure everyone who matters can see you. Be careful how you conduct yourself this week. This is a week when you want to avoid any excesses, unnecessary cynicism or even trivial gossip. How do you want the world to see you? Align your thoughts, words and actions to this. For some this week also opens up a new avenue that leads to success and joy. You’ve been considering this option for a while. It’s time to take the leap especially if the opportune time arrives on the full moon night.

Pisces: February 19-March 20

Spend all your time at home with people who matter. That’s your brief for the week. Take time this week to acknowledge who you’ve become. Appreciate the good, the strengths while consciously choosing to continue working on behaviours that aren’t aligned. Comfort and harmony will surround you this week. Indulge in it and restore anything that feels depleted within you. Love and romance will be kotha and clear for many this week. If you are out there dating, give the person a real chance. If you are in a long term relationship, lean into your partner and acknowledge their presence with love. At work, this is a week when the full moon will show you who is your tag team partner. Trust people. We aren’t all bad.

Aries: March 21-April 20


What has your inner voice been telling you to do? Can you even recognise the voice of your intuition? You are being called upon to tune in, to listen, to reconnect with your own being this week. Heal your gut if that’s where the pain and discomfort stirs up. Do not ignore your health this week. Things that you have been working on are progressing very well. You will experience a moment of growth as well as a peek into all that is possible from here on. Trust your journey. Know that it is all working out. This is a good week to acknowledge all the things working in your favour including the people who have shown up for you. Remember, the stronger your foundation the higher you can rise.

Taurus: April 21–May 21


Things will be smooth sailing this week. All will progress as is aligned to your highest good. Do not let your anxiety tell you otherwise. Trust the obstacles if there are any. Life at this point is moving in the direction that is aligned to your desires. You are being guided and directed towards a reality you are manifesting subconsciously. Do not resist the chaos. Instead build the resilience to embrace it and push through it. It is important for your growth. The full moon will bring the noise to its peak and you need to use it to evolve and become a new version of yourself. Remember every dream requires a very specific version of you. Choose to transform this week.

Gemini: May 22–June 21


A new life is unfolding. Expect to experience a beautiful shift into this new reality this week. Indulge new ideas and new adventures. Say yes to a lot more with a sense of curiosity. Even relationships will shift gears this week. Those experiencing a new love will feel a certain pull to emotionally invest. Some might hear certain words and witness certain actions that spell commitment. Work will be infused with a spell of opportunities. This is a powerful week to dream big. What do you want to achieve and experience in your life right now? Everything is possible. Think and the moonlight will help you see it through. Spend time daydreaming or visualising your future as the full moon is tuning into your thoughts.

Cancer: June 22–July 22


You are in charge. Yes, you read that right. If you want something, get up and make it happen. The week is going to be action-packed. Pencil in breaks or moments to breathe as it might be very hectic for some. To be fair you’ve been complaining about how slowly things were progressing. Well, life has decided to step on the pedal this week. Remember, the moon is your friend. Tune into her energies to manifest the growth and transformation you wish to experience. Be clear about your thoughts and how you word your feelings. And do not be unnecessarily afraid of shadows. The moonlight can only be enjoyed in the darkness of the night. Your shadows will only make your light shine brighter.

Leo: July 23–August 23


The full moon is working its magic. Expect new beginnings and new experiences this week. What is the next phase of life you would like to flow into? Visualise the life you want to live from here on. The moon is watching you and dancing to every tune you hum to create the reality you desire. Be careful, however, to not seek guidance beyond what is needed. Other people’s opinions don’t matter right now. Do not initiate conversations that will confuse you or shake your confidence. Whether someone else thinks you can do something or not cannot be bigger than your belief in yourself. You already have the answers you are seeking. You just want to hear them aloud or for someone to validate you. Breathe and validate yourself based on experience and facts.

Virgo: August 24–September 22


Shift gears to getting things done this week. The more meetings you have the more conversations you initiate and indulge the more work you’ll get done. Open the doors of opportunity through your presence and expression of will. Something you’ve been working on will move you into the new phase you’ve been waiting for. Let the full moon take your desires to fruition. On the full moon day expect a piece of news that will lead you to the exact spot you want to be standing at. If you are seeking love or prosperity or any other big shift in life, use the energy of the moon this week to manifest. Clarity of thought will lead to clearly seeing the way forward. This is also a week to put your money where your mouth is. Don’t just talk about things, show up and act in alignment as well.

Libra: September 23–October 23


There’s a mother energy that’s fully alive within you. Treat every project like you would your baby and nurture it. Moms who are reading this need to focus on nurturing the mother child bond. For some this week will be about realigning their relationship with an authority figure; could be a parent, boss or mentor. A week of good timing and miracles. Take full advantage of the magic of the moon’s rays. Write down every desire for some are in the “now” energy and will come true before this week ends. Think about what you need most right now or the loudest want. Avoid worrying about others; this isn’t about either or; it’s actually about making it all happen one after the other. 

Scorpio: October 24–November 22


Are you doing everything you need to do whatever it is that you are trying to achieve? Follow the process to the tee. Make those calls, send the email and if you haven’t done so then don’t complain. The process has been put in place to guarantee your success. Follow through. There’s a powerful upward spiral for you to ride this week. Be careful not to shift its direction by indulging questions filled with doubt. Show faith and boldly walk forward asking for whatever you need in the meantime. This week you will have a bird’s eye view of all the experience and wisdom you possess; allow the full moon to highlight the lessons you need to implement immediately to succeed.

Sagittarius: November 23–December 21


Everything that is meant to be will come to be. This law of the Universe is now surging through every circumstance that surrounds you. If you align your being to your desires you will find yourself in the right place at the right time having the right conversations this week. Make the most of the seven days. You will witness commitment and loyalty as the person who matters, be it in your personal life or at work will score up for you. However, also know that you need to step up with the kind of commitment and loyalty you wish to experience. This week isn’t just about taking. As you give, so you shall receive. Be very careful about giving with the right intention and without burdening it with faulty and unrealistic expectations.

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