Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week


Looks like the moon is going to churn some chaos this week to help us release beliefs that are holding us back. Those unwilling to face the brutal truth will struggle. Those willing to accept their role in moulding their past as well as current reality will transform and feel liberated. That chattering monkey mind and the voice of your intuition will be at loggerheads this week. You need to work very hard to tune into the right channel and recognise your intuition. Be careful not to trigger anxiety by indulging your overthinking mind. Stick to the facts, be brutally honest with yourself and learn to understand yourself better. 

Capricorn: December 22–January 20

Some need to sleep more while others need to stop rushing towards a decision. Sleep over it – is the mantra for this week. While you don’t need to drown in why you find yourself in this situation, you need to take responsibility with a layer of faith. Acknowledge your role in how things have panned out. At the same time, breathe and know that something wonderful will be revealed this week. An element of a new life you’ve been wanting to create will fall into place. Will this be in your career or in your personal life remains to be seen. But the Universe wants you to know that you’re safe and taken care of. This is not a week to make any tough choices or to rock the boat in any way. Keep trudging along with a sense of faith and a pinch of optimism.

Intention: I’m choosing to focus on what is in my control.

Aquarius: January 21–February 18

Life will be peacefully and aligned this week. Uneventful for most, enjoy the quiet time as well as the monotony of the routine. Those who stir up restlessness as a hobby need to focus on enjoying things as they are. Some will have a meaningful conversation with somebody who was disagreeing with you on certain fronts recently. Practise acceptance – accepting situations and people as they are. The more you entertain “only if” thoughts, the bleaker the week will feel since there’s no major cause of excitement any way.  The advantage of peace is that you can use this kind of ‘happy’ to build upon. You’ll have mind space to think of many other desires and to let ideas as well as plans formulate. 

Intention: I am choosing to enjoy the peace and alignment.

Pisces: February 19-March 20

Do a little, chill a little. That’s what this week is about. You will find yourself in a spot you’ve been before, maybe more than once this week. The idea is to not make the same mistake twice. Retreat, hit pause and recalibrate to ensure you are staying aligned to your vision and plan. Those who are just going with the flow, don’t complain when life just happens to you. Participate and choose what you want to experience or then life will decide in response to your thoughts, words and actions. Some need to pull up their socks and run this week, while some need to realign their pace and stop trying to get too much done in advance. The latter will end up expending energy on the same thing twice. So pace yourself instead.

Intention: I am choosing to pause and be still frequently this week.

Aries: March 21-April 20


Tough conversations or then just deep conversations with a parent or person of authority is expected this week. If you’ve been fighting then you need to make amends. Resolve the issue instead of trying to prove a point. If you want them to understand you, you need to start by understanding them. Don’t get pulled into their drama energy, but understand their intention and desire. You are making the same mistake and they seem to be seeing through you right now. You’ll avoid a big pitfall by just listening to them this week. This person could also be a boss mentor at work. You see what you want to see. You believe only what is convenient to you. Stop. Look beyond the superficial and get a good, hard look at reality. 

Intention: I’m choosing to let go of the superficial narratives I have latched onto.

Taurus: April 21–May 21


A prosperous week awaits you. For some this is a financial gain that helps propel a goal forward or jumpstart an idea you have been mulling over. For others this is a new beginning, the birth of a new phase. You’ll have to work hard towards your desire. Be willing to put in “whatever” effort is required. The moment you show up, things will shift. You will receive a call, a message or a piece of good news which will clearly indicate that you are on the right path. Be careful about what you are indulging in terms of thoughts and conversations this week. How you paint yourself will matter as the Universe heard conviction in your voice at some point these last two weeks and it is responding to that conviction now. Show up for yourself.

Intention: I’m choosing to stick to my decision and stay aligned to my end goal.

Gemini: May 22–June 21


It’s going to be a bit of a mixed bag of things this week. Enjoy the direction your life is taking. You’re reading the map correctly and aligning yourself pretty well. However, you’ll find that you need to clear up the clutter and let go of some things this week. These could involve actual things, ideas and plans, people or then even goals. You’re too stuck on the superficial, the packaging of it all. The battle between how it looks vs what really counts needs to be settled in favour of the latter. A new world is opening up to you. What would you like to experience? What kind of reality do you want to create? Align yourself to the future because the next three weeks you are sowing seeds for it in the present.

Intention: I’m choosing to realign my beliefs to my present life as well the future in the making.

Cancer: June 22–July 22


Rest a lot this week. Watch your sleep and through it restore your health. Love and relationships are in a wholesome secure space. Lean into it whenever you feel apprehensive. Those who are single, put yourself out there. Be seen and you’ll definitely attract someone interesting this week. At work and for some even in their personal life there’ll be a shift of energy and things will start to take shape once again. Tune into what you want and what you are willing to do to create this reality. Life needs you to move at a slow pace taking all the time you need this week. Avoid jumping to conclusions, being impulsive or rushing things. Allow yourself to just be and you will see things work in your favour.

Intention: I’m choosing to focus on healing and restoring my health.

Leo: July 23–August 23


Love will gain momentum this week. Some can expect a commitment, others will move into a new phase in their relationship. Those who are single really need to use the energy of the week to show up at the right place with the right intent. Make your dreams come true, say the cards this week. Do more, think less. Avoid making any assumptions or excuses. Instead flow into your future by making aligned choices now. It’s all about partnerships this week. Even at work, collaborate and know that any projects that are in tag-team mode will be a success this week. Some of you need to think about what you want in your career next. Look ahead this week.

Intention: I’m choosing to build my future through my current actions.

Virgo: August 24–September 22


You’re a blessed child of the Universe. Do not feel disheartened or unsupported. Your every desire is on life’s to-do list and you’ll experience many magical blessings this week. Allow yourself to dream big. Do not feel restricted because one person doesn’t see things the way you do. Avoid worrying about every tiny thing. Allow yourself to just go with the flow with one eye on your desired goal. Worrying is a waste of energy this week. Instead hold on to faith and know that only good things are coming your way. Take time to think about the near future and the things you are working towards. Imagine they are already a part of your reality and you are living those experiences right now. The Universe needs to see things through your eyes.

Intention: I’m choosing to enjoy my blessings without any distractions.

Libra: September 23–October 23


Some of you are feeling rejected or left out. Some of you are repeating the same unhealthy pattern. Some of you are doing both. All of you need to stop. Do not question the loyalty of loved ones. Do not let your insecurities, doubts or fears influence your reactions and responses this week. You are loved. You are safe. All commitments made to you will be honoured. Breathe and let love chart its path without your interference. Even at work, let partnerships and teams function without you micromanaging everything. There’s an important lesson to be learned this week about a way of thinking or a repeated choice you are making. You choose to be present in someone’s life first instead of leaving the decision up to them. Show up with conviction and they will reciprocate.

Intention: I’m choosing to love.

Scorpio: October 24–November 22


Stay in the present moment. Do not fret about how things will happen. You know that eventually it’ll all work out as is best for you. Stand strong on this belief. Allow your partner to lean on you even if it seems like they are holding you. Know that they need to feel your constant presence and trust right now. Life is in a phase of transition. Allow things to flow and let the chips fall where they need to. You’ll be reconnecting with some loved ones after a period of distance and silence this week. Harmony will be restored. Just place one foot in front of the other for now. Even with regards to work, expect a call or message to reignite a deal or collaboration you have been waiting for. It’s all happening aligned to divine timing.

Intention: I’m choosing to stick to my plan.

Sagittarius: November 23–December 21


Why have you changed your mind about a goal, a plan or an intention? Why are you second guessing yourself? The time to be very clear about your motive and agenda. What’s your endgame? There’s a big shift coming this week and many circumstances will be realigned. This week understand your reasons for wanting what you want and choose to be happy in the way things are right now. Do not push for things to happen, especially avoid convincing or coaxing people. Just enjoy the ride for now. Put yourself in cruise mode. At some point this week you’ll feel the direction of the wind change and you’ll know exactly what you need to do next.

Intention: I’m choosing to be.

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