
Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

Here's what the stars have in store for you this week.

Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week

Stop sabotaging your own happiness. The Universe wants you to have what you want. But you need to step out of your own way. For some this means stop indulging your fears and for some it may mean putting an end to something: not so happy' that you are struggling to turn into the perfect kind of happiness. Also, be careful of chasing "perfection". It's an illusion and the right kind of "perfect" may be something you've been conditioned to believe and not even something you really care about. A lot of things will fall into place this week provided you stand back and let things happen.

Capricorn: December 22–January 20


This week is about family. Indulge the parent-child equations in your life. Know that your father needs to be given special attention and if you, who is reading this, are a dad then acknowledge all that you do. This week the man of the family needs to show up and also be seen. Some will be blessed with a baby this week. It is a good week to plan a family if it's been on your mind and let this be the sign you've been looking for. It's also a good time to seek advice from a mentor or person of authority for some key decisions you need to make. Your plans need to be validated and you need to take another opinion on the risk assessment you have done.

Aquarius: January 21–February 18


A deal will be struck, a contract will be verbally finalised. Whether this resonates from a work standpoint or then it rings true in your personal life, know that a new beginning is on the anvil. Some will receive a call or a message from someone they've been thinking of for a very specific reason. It's a good week to have conversations you've been procrastinating about. A week of blessings, all good things will come to be. Enjoy yourself and know that you will flourish in all that you set out to do. Circumstances at work will move in favour of your growth. People in your personal space will fill you with the love and energy you need.

Pisces: February 19-March 20


When you choose to walk away, don't look back. If it's over and done with, don't indulge the thoughts that take you there. Understand the anger, resentment and pain you are experiencing instead of wallowing in it. Accept - 'why did it happen?' needs to evolve into 'it is what it is' and further evolve into 'it doesn't matter in the now'. This current phase of revival and rising up from the ashes can be uncomfortable. However this is not a time when you hold on to your reality. In fact, you be and let life happen. Like the roots of a new plant, you find your space of comfort by flowing through what is instead of struggling to control the environment and make it what you want it to be.

Aries: March 21-April 20


What have you been working towards? This is a week to acknowledge how much you've completed and take stock of how far from the finish line you are. Some part of your plan will need to be tweaked while you need to take very specific actions for some other aspects of your plan. Be mindful about how you approach both. Your gut is stronger than you think. Your refusal to embrace even the slightest discomfort or your need for a guarantee knots your belly up. Breathe and trust yourself. You are enough and you can create all that you choose to. Your inner voice has been guiding you these last few days about a very specific incident or person. Listen to yourself.

Taurus: April 21–May 21


Teamwork is the password that will unlock the abundance this week. A new energy is brewing. Some of you agree consciously creating while some have been wanting to for a while. For the latter, now is the time. Put your thoughts and plans into actions. All that is new will evolve. This week is all about timing. What you say will matter only depending on when you say it. The same goes for what you do. Do not be late this week. Do not take more time than required either. How you use your time and how well you respect someone else's time will make all the difference. There will be certain times when what you think, feel and express will come to be almost immediately. Do not underplay these as mere coincidences. These are signs from the Universe.

Gemini: May 22–June 21


Observe; wait and watch. A lot is to be accomplished as well as experienced. But before that you need more information about what is happening and what is possible from here on. Do not be in a hurry to make any decisions this week. Be flexible at work, at home, amongst friends and even in your relationship. If you are single don't be in a hurry to commit. It's not about whether the other person wants to be with you. It's about what you are choosing and if this person is aligned to your goals and dreams. Even at work, do not get into partnerships this week - be it a one off collaboration or the start of a long association. Some truths will be revealed soon.

Cancer: June 22–July 22


Expect a big shift this week, a change that will transform things. For some the wind will blow all your worries out the window and for some it will reorganise their current circumstances. This is rarely a comfortable experience as letting go of control is never easy. But remember, sometimes we don't know what's best for us. Be honest with yourself about what you have signed up for. What are the things you've accepted because "it's how it should be" even if it's not what you want. What have you said yes to in hopes of things changing in the future? Your current emotional state is your responsibility. Your choices dictate your reality.

Leo: July 23–August 23


A fabulous week of magic. Rise up and do all that your heart desires. Everything will happen as is best for you. But remember it is okay to ask for help. You don't have to have all the answers. In fact sometimes you need to sell out information to be guided in the right direction. Partnerships will be strong this week. Collaborations will be profitable. For some this literally means collaborating with their own selves. You have been rejecting your spirit, putting yourself down as not good enough for too long. This stops now. The week is offering you guaranteed success. What will you do with energy now?

Virgo: August 24–September 22


Financial gains will be the highpoint of this week. Opportunities will come your way. Prospects of growth and moving forward will be drawn to you. All your needs and wants will be met in the most magical of ways. What are you working towards? New beginnings on the work front can be expected. On the personal side of things, you need to face some facts. You need to make peace with some others. Life is good, however, it does come with a pinch of salt and sometimes lots of spice. Every experience is teaching you something. What is it that you see when you stand in front of this mirror?

Libra: September 23–October 23


What are you forcing? Back off for it is not for you. This is not a time to let your "this will never happen for me if I let this go" fear dictate your choice. Breathe and know that you are pushing too hard. Sometimes it may just be about timing. Stand still and wait if walking away is too hard. Be happy with what your life looks like right now. While wanting more is okay, doing it by rejecting or ignoring what you have is not okay. Let your life flow without interference for a bit. This week instead of making plans let others decide where you will be, doing what and when. Surrender in spurts, it's good for your emotional well-being.

Scorpio: October 24–November 22


New blossoms appear indicating a time of growth. This phase will be slow. So park your impatience aside. It takes time for an idea to transform into success. You have to live through the phase of growth. Tie up loose ends this week and give yourself closure instead of lingering around pining for justice. What you experienced is a part of life. It's time to move on. Deja Vu will be a recurring feeling for some this week. If it feels like the same spot again, make a different decision. This week will churn the energy to restore balance. This requires you to let go of some things and realign others. Breathe. Don't treat this as a make or break moment.

Sagittarius: November 23–December 21


Home is where all your attention needs to be this week. Be aware of what is happening in your family. Spend time with people who matter. Watch your own health too. It might be a good idea to get your annual check ups done. A need for a pause or at least slowing down is coming up. Acknowledge how hard you've been pushing yourself lately. Allow yourself to take a break. Things will not fall apart; you will not be left behind. Everything is moving at a pace that is aligned to your highest good except for you. In your need to prove yourself, you are burning yourself out. Pause as life too needs that space to dish out all that you have created..

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