Love, Career & Family: Here’s Your Zodiac Reading For The Week


Tarot readings will help you tap into your inner voice and discover answers to everything from relationships, and money to your life’s path. There is no right or wrong about it, take it as guidance to steer ahead better.

Capricorn: December 22- January 19

Have you been feeling demotivated at work? That’s all going to end and a new opportunity will knock on your door soon. A change is coming soon whether it is an increase in job position or a new project, it will be a path breaker for you, and you will feel motivated again. Your ideas will be implemented and appreciated. A good time to make financial investments. In love, you need to love yourself first to radiate it to others. Focus more on receiving rather than giving, spend more time on yourself, realise how you want to be treated, treat yourself that way, and don’t settle. Pay attention to any signals your body sends and avoid overworking. Incorporate mindfulness and meditation to balance emotional and physical health.

Aquarius: January 20- February 18

You may feel high tension and pressure, and feel discouraged to face problems. At work, there could be an unpleasant atmosphere and might not be in the best energies to work. There could be high expectations from your boss. In such negative inner feelings, you could lose out on good opportunities. Avoid investing this week, hold your portfolio as there is a possibility of losing money or incurring unexpected expenses. Focus more on family, plan a cosy outing or spend quality time at home together. Soak in their unconditional love to feel replenished. Connect with old friends for some nostalgic laughter. Pay attention to your respiratory health to avoid any complications later.

Pisces: February 19- March 20

It is a good time to pursue going into a business venture of your own. Showcase your leadership qualities at work and be a torchbearer to others. You will receive good news from an old debtor, this repayment could help you become debt-free. It’s a good time to invest in stocks. You could practically take your relationship to a different level by deciding to make financial investments together. Single Pisceians could find friendship or love during some social work. Certain childhood health issues could come up, which need to be catered to immediately.

Aries: March 20- April 19

There will be dilemmas, high pressure, and stress this week, making you moody. Also a time of dreaming, illusion, and imagination; realise that it is more of the overthinking in your head than the issues in real life. Business owners will get good gains, but be cautious. At work, you will attract assignments that could help in promotion and growth. You might be feeling restricted by your partner. Be careful about getting into a serious dispute that could lead to a break in the relationship. Single Ariens should not fear rejection and take more chances. The mood volatility will make you feel a bit drained, get sufficient rest and include some light physical activity to release stress.

Taurus: April 20- May 30

It is a time of relaxation and companionship. There will be resolutions to past worries, making you feel happy. For work, you will be more relaxed and have parties with your colleagues. Your work may not be tough but you better not be careless as you may unintentionally make a mistake. For finance, be cautious about spending money, especially extravagant spending. Single Taurians could meet someone at a party or through friends. Make time for meaningful conversations and listen actively to strengthen bonds with your partner. Be careful with having pain and aches in your shoulder or upper arms, you could even have a sprain. Take good care of yourself.

Gemini: May 21- June 20

It could be a week of boredom. You might be feeling bored and unhappy with your work, especially the atmosphere. You might want to resign, but this is a temporary feeling, please let it pass. Single Geminis could get good hints from someone they are interested in, and make the move. Give some space and freedom to your partner for a pleasant relationship. In business, be careful of being cheated, non-payment, or delayed payments. Maintain an active and balanced lifestyle. It is a good week to start a fitness regimen and revisit old habits. Keep in mind mental relaxation through meditation too.

Cancer: June 21-July 22

There is some uncertainty around, you might feel confused and doubtful. Try to balance your emotions. In finances, there is an equal proportion of income and expenses, so it might be a little difficult to save up. At work keep important documents safely. Stay focused and organized to meet all your deadlines. Teamwork will lead to a pleasant time bonding with colleagues and superiors. A relationship might have become boring, find time to rest together and bond over activities to freshen the bond. Keep track of hormone health, and be careful about gland diseases. Pay attention to your diet and incorporate more balanced and nutritious meals.

Leo: July 23-August 22

Combine creativity and confidence to make some path-breaking changes. Now is the time to create what you want, whether you want to switch your job, invest, or start another unit of business. Do it now! Your positive aura and never-ending reserves of energy will attract the right people and opportunities. Your relationships will have great understanding with loved ones, conversations will flow smoothly, and connecting emotionally will be effortless. Single Leos could meet an interesting match. Take care of your bone health, especially your knees. Slow down as you could be accident-prone, and watch out for falls and fractures.

Virgo: August 23-September 22

It might be a slow time for growth and expansion. Unexpected problems at work could make you stressed. Be careful of you being hot-tempered and not listening to others as it may damage your work. In finances, investments might not grow. Also, spend wisely.  Single Virgo women could meet someone very attractive. Be careful of your emotions, and try not to over-control or be demanding from your lover. They might get bored with your moody expression leading to tiffs. Be careful of sickness relating to our neck such as sore throat, neck sprain, or inflammations. You should be more cautious as it may get worse.

Libra: September 23-October 22

Relationships could go through a push and pull, empathy and understanding are the key. Miscommunications could arise, so take extra time to clarify your feelings. Engaging in open dialogues and showing genuine interest in your loved ones’ perspective will foster harmony and deepen your bond. Single Libras could be being very choosy, creating their own blocks in finding a good match. You might face challenges in balancing team dynamics, stay diplomatic. There could be a sudden shortage of finances, so stay cautious and plan well. Need to focus on gut health, insufficient rest, wrong dietary choices and lack of hydration could lead to some stomach disorders.

Scorpio: October 23-November 21

It might be a frustrating week, you will be worried but won’t be able to demonstrate it directly. Control your emotional sensitivity as others might consider you unreasonable and too sarcastic. As for work, you should consult others and listen to their opinions, it could be difficult to be adaptable, but discuss it face to face. Finances seem stable but spend on necessary matters and invest wisely. Single Scorpios could meet someone shy, who could be difficult to read. Time to rekindle the romance with your partner, go a little extra to make them feel special. Engage in activities that reduce stress, and sign up for a yoga or Tai Chi class to regulate your body and mind.

Sagittarius: November 22-December 21

It is the week of perfection and abundance. Things are going on slowly but securely. It is a good time for work and finance. Your superiors will have trust in you, making you feel noticed. You will deliver well with the help of a female colleague. It is a good time to receive a lump sum of money, a bonus or fruitful financial returns. For single Sagttarians, an acquaintance could hold good potential. In relationships, your spark will bring excitement. Take the initiative to make plans to use this effervescent energy of yours. Do not lose focus on physical health. A regular checkup might reveal issues related to fat, and cholesterol which need to be addressed.

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